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Releasit's Label...

September 21 2003 at 12:33 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Here's what's printed on the Releasit label in case any of you are interested in reading it.

Releasit's Label Instructions...

* Cleaning: Mix 8 oz. of Releasit per gallon of hot water.
* Spotter/Pre-spraying: In heavily soiled areas pre-spray Releasit mixed at 12 oz. per gal. For heavy soil make additional cleaning passes.
* Spills: Apply Releasit at a 50/50 dilution lightly to spill stains and scrub into the fiber to reduce recurring spots.
* Scrub the carpet evenly; a heavy foam build-up is NOT desirable. Simply whiten the surface of the carpet.
* Releasit dries into soil-encapsulating-crystals.
* Vacuum at the next scheduled vacuuming interval.
* No rinsing is required. Rinsing actually defeats the purpose of the encapsulating technology.

Test fabric for colorfastness before using any product.

Avoid eye contact or prolonged skin contact. On contact with eye or skin, flush thoroughly with water. If irritation persists, consult physician. Do not take internally. Do not re-use container. Dispose of container according to government regulations. Non-flammable. Use in well ventilated area.

Releasit's Label Description...

Releasit is a unique low moisture carpet detergent designed for: Cimex, Counter-Rotating Brush, Rotary Foam, Foam Extraction, Bonnet/ Pad Methods, Spot Cleaning, Recurring Spills.

* Fast cleaning production rates
* Ideal for commercial carpet maintenance
* Deep penetrating cleaning
* Dries to a crystallized residue
* No rinsing is required
* Reduces wicking and recurring spill stains
* Safe for all types of synthetic carpet fiber
* Non-sticky residue will not attract other soil

How Soil Affects Carpet:
Most dry soil can be readily removed by routine dry vacuuming. It's the oily and sticky soils that attract and hold dry soil to the surface. The result is a dull, gray, and ugly appearance.

Releasit Carpet Maintenance Helps Carpet Stay Clean Longer:
The key to effective carpet cleaning is to counteract sticky soils. The Releasit chemistry surrounds soil particles in the carpet and forms a crystal that can't attract other soil. The encapsulated soil particles release from the carpet fiber and are extracted with normal vacuuming. And since there's no dirt attracting residue left behind, the carpet stays clean longer.

[4 = Extreme 3 = High 2 = Moderate 1 = Slight 0 = Insignificant]

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Releasit's Label...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS