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Help on greasy commercial carpet.

September 24 2003 at 11:33 PM
Craig Walton 

I'm in need of some advice on cleaning greasy pizza restaurant carpet. There is a traffic area 4' wide by 40 feet long.This is the second restaurant I've cleaned , most of my jobs are offices, which are no where near as greasy as the pizza place. I've read a few months back about several of you using a two step method.I have a good portable extractor which I used on the first pizza job, presprayed a good enzyme degreaser, and it cleaned pretty good , though it was in layers, went over it twice. My question would be , can I use my Cimex , after hot water extracting , or would anyone have experience and suggestions? I would really like to get this really clean , as they have 6 restaurants in my area.

Jim McDannel

Greasy Carpet

September 25 2003, 7:08 AM 

Hi there,
Yes you can use the cimex after HWE I have done this on a few accounts already, No reason though I was just seeing what kind of mess I could create, Nothing to worry about, You might want to try just the cimex first, Im not doing any restaurants, But I have done several Fire Depts around the Kitchen, and the Elk's Lodge which is pretty close to the same conditions, The cimex did take a little longer in these area's but came out just fine, So unless you're just floating in grease give it a try,


Re: Help on greasy commercial carpet.

September 25 2003, 8:19 AM 

We clean a potatoe chip factory, and talk about grease they have it 10 times worse than any restaurant I have ever cleaned
We prespray with a degreaser and than use the Cimex for agitatation and than extract, speeds up the job and looks great when we are done.

Ades Gros

Re: Help on greasy commercial carpet.

September 25 2003, 9:14 AM 

Craig I do a pizza place once a month, i only had a truck mount before encap. I used a RX-20 with the fiber pads and spinvac on night an had good results. If it didn't work i could have started up the old TM and cleaned. I just got my Cimex a couple of weeks ago and used it once in that rest.
So try it if it don't work fire up the TM, then next time you just be able to encap it. Good Luck

Current Topic - Help on greasy commercial carpet.
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