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"Releasit" passed another test

September 25 2003 at 9:33 AM
John Luce 

After Releasit dried in a glass to crysyals, I added water back to the crystals. The crystals desolved back to liquid. I have tested other products which take way to long to desolve, and one product never did. It just clung to the glass under water. That was a little scarey'and could be a future problem. To me this is very important to know that Releasit will actually release from the fiber as intended . Good name Rick ! Now I also know that I can completely remove the product via normal steaming cleaning if I ever elect to.
John L


Rick Gelinas

Re: &quote;Releasit&quote; passed another test

September 25 2003, 10:56 PM 


What you observed is very important. If an encap product won't resolublize it will perform poorly over time. We want the crystal to resolublize with subsequent cleanings. That's one of the things I always liked about DSC's Spin Vac. Although DSC didn't manufacture our product this is a characteristic of Releasit too. Thanks for sharing your observations.

Rick Gelinas
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Current Topic - "Releasit" passed another test
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS