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Recurring Spills

September 28 2003 at 8:15 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Releasit works well to stop wicking and recurring spill stains. You'll see the instructions for treating spills listed on the label. Here's the detailed description of our "never fail" spill stain technique described once again. This method works! We’re able to say bye-bye to recurring spills for good.

1. When we come to a spill stain we isolate the stain - we clean the area surrounding the stain and leave the stain untouched.

2. Next we aggressively scrub DRY PASSES on the spot. We criss-cross the Cimex back and forth over the stain. We scrub the stain continuously for a full minute or two. We don't want to get the area wet with additional detergent. We're cleaning the spot with minimal moisture. We'll make several dry passes in this manner. This is not a totally dry scrub. You're capturing moisture within the scrub pad from the surrounding area as you criss-cross back and forth across the stain. However you're keeping the moisture to an absolute minimum. By scrubbing for at least a minute you're scrubbing the spill stain EXTREMELY thoroughly.

3. Our new encap product – Releasit works great for this. For recurring spills Releasit can be mixed 50/50 with water and sprayed onto the spot. After cleaning the spot thoroughly as described above, we spray the spot with several mists of Releasit. Spots won't return. Before Releasit we used CTI's ARA for this and it works well too.

4. Final step: We make a quick dry pass over the treated spot with the Cimex to work the Releasit through the fiber.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Recurring Spills

September 28 2003, 10:13 AM 

Thanks Rick for sharing this info

Ades Gros

Mixing releasit ?

September 28 2003, 8:53 PM 

Is it a must to mix Releasit with hot water, or will room temp work just as well?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Mixing releasit ?

September 28 2003, 9:32 PM 

You don't have to mix it with hot water. It will work nearly as well with tepid water. But it will perform a little better with hot water. I remember learning in an IICRC class that a detergent's ability to clean effectively doubles with each 18 degrees of temperature.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: Mixing releasit ?

September 29 2003, 8:33 AM 

I believe Rick that the reactivity of chemical will double for every 18 degrees you can heat the water above 136 degrees, I do not think that applies to water below 136 degrees, most tap water would not be close to 136 degrees

Ades Gros


September 29 2003, 8:44 PM 

Every 18 degrees above 118 degrees Far. up to approx 250 degrees Far. Heat makes the molecules move fasterand therefore clean more quickly.
I just wanted to be sure that it didn't hot water to mix right.


Rick Gelinas

Hot Water

September 30 2003, 9:08 AM 

Thanks for the details guys.

We use a bucket heater to heat our water. It takes about 20 minutes to get a bucket of water steaming hot. Although tepid water will work fine, when we work with heated detergent we get a bit more foam which allows us to use less product and it cleans a bit faster too. It's kind of like washing your hands - warm or hot water foams better and cleans better than cold.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Mark Stanley

The "Cloud Point"

September 30 2003, 10:03 PM 

All detergents have a temperature "cloud point".

The cloud point is the temperature at which the detergent begins to break down and seperate. The detergent's cleaning ability drops dramatically once this temperature has been reached.

Because of this, more effective heat exchangers, and propane heaters, etc. many typical "steam cleaning" detergents have recently been chemically reformulated with a much higher cloud point than before. ChemSpec's "High Heat" is just one of many that come to mind.

My point is... it may not be a good idea to mix Release-It with boiling water as this temperature may be past the cloud point and wasteful of such a well formulated product.

By the way, I have used and am very impressed with Release-It. It cleans outstandingly well. A great product produced by a great guy!


Rick Gelinas

Re: The &quote;Cloud Point&quote;

October 5 2003, 5:11 PM 

Welcome Mark - nice to have you here. And I'm glad that you liked the Releasit too.

Using 1 bucket heater shouldn't get the water so hot that it could diminish the cleaning. However, if you use 2 bucket heaters the water can actually get up to a rolling boil at which point the cleaning efficacy will fall off. The detergent works fine at lower temps, but there's an edge to using hot water. Bucket heaters only cost $40 so it makes sense to use hot water.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Recurring Spills
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS