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Connections Was Fantastic!

October 5 2003 at 1:07 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Just got back from Connections. Here are a few words that could be used to describe the entire event… Winner, Triumph, Success, Knockout, Wow!!! But those words don’t adequately describe what it’s like to spend a few days in the association of good friends and industry leaders.

Connections was like a big family. It was moving. It was invigorating. It was educational. It was rewarding. It was a blast!

I’d like to say a big thank you to Larry Cooper and the entire Connections organization for an industry event of unprecedented proportions. You guys rock!

For those of you who missed it – start planning now to be there next year. This is "the event" our industry has been needing and you will want to be sure to be a part of it through the upcoming years.

BTW Low-moisture cleaning and Encapsulation was prominently seen and discussed throughout this convention. The industry has become aware!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Tom Rowe

Re: Connections Was Fantastic!

October 5 2003, 3:27 PM 

Yep, the industry has become aware....more and more are offering Encap. I can't believe the number of cleaners that call me inquiring about it.
Unfortunatley, it's just a matter of time until guys start giving Encap away, just like they give everything else away. Ther price wars are inevitable.
There used to be money in Duct Cleaning until everybody and thier brother started offering it. Now we have guy's giving that away, and working for next to nothing.
There are plenty of cleaners around that are very happy to be making $60 per hour. When they find out they can clean 2,000 sq ft per hour, they will do the math and start charging 3˘ a foot.

There goes the neighborhood. I can see the property values dropping already.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Connections Was Fantastic!

October 5 2003, 3:52 PM 


.03 per sq ft will NOT be happening in my commercial carpet cleaning business, regardless of what the "industry instructor" at Connections might have said...

I urge all of you to stand your ground on the issue of proper pricing. We can not afford to allow the commercial carpet care industry to turn into rubbish. Stand your ground.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Re: Connections Was Fantastic!

October 5 2003, 9:00 PM 

It won't happen in my Biz either,...but
People will start bidding lower because they can. The more people that get into this Encap stuff the more probability there is that people will try to undercut the competition. If any of us choose to lower our prices or not really won't make much difference.

If we have enough guys using the method there's gonna be "low ballers",...just like HWE.

There's always gonna be people that think "I'll just charge a little less than the other guy".

The more people that get into this the worse it will be, keep this Encap stuff under your hat.

It's gonna be just like HWE, where the customer says "the other guy does the same thing for half the price"

If I figured out a way to get a goose to lay a golden egg, I certianly would'nt tell everybody how to do it.


Current Topic - Connections Was Fantastic!
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