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Heck of a deal on Ebay

October 8 2003 at 10:33 PM
Tom Rowe  

Looks like a Cimex for doing stone work

Click Here


Rick Gelinas

Re: Heck of a deal on Ebay

October 8 2003, 11:23 PM 

Thanks for the heads up. It would be great for my brother Dave. He does a lot of marble/terrazzo honing and polishing. He even does concrete polishing. It looks like a good deal.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation



Sorry guys..

October 9 2003, 12:40 AM 

I couldn't pass up that deal. Thanks for the heads-up, Tom. I owe you a beer or beverage of your choice (so long as you're not drinking what Nathan drinks!) when we meet.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Sorry guys..

October 9 2003, 8:26 AM 

Cool Scott! I'm happy that you got it. That was a steal even at the "Buy Now" price. I'm glad that it was one of the regulars who got it. Keep in mind that the HD48 shouldn't be used on carpet (too heavy and too fast). But it will be incredible for marble/terrazzo/concrete/stone. Now you just need to take a marble class or two and you'll be getting into a new and profitable business

Congratulations bud!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Sorry guys..

October 9 2003, 11:53 AM 

Guess I did my good deed for the day



Re: Re: Re: Sorry guys..

October 10 2003, 12:16 AM 

Rick, I know the machine is heavier..but faster? Looks like it spins at the same RPM (400) as the one we use for carpet. lists the 48HD as a scarifier, but I assume it would also work for wood and marble since it has weights and a vac. shroud.

We presently use Stone Tech's line of powdered marble abrasives with our "lightweight" 48" Cimex, but hopefully this machine will do allow us to be even more productive.

Does your brother use this machine?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry guys..

October 10 2003, 8:20 AM 


I was thinking about the DF model. I was in error when I said the HD machine runs "faster". Oops! It's the DF model (Diamond Finisher) that runs at 800 rpm.

Your new toy will be awesome for marble/terrazzo/concrete floor work. Have fun with it!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

David Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry guys..

October 11 2003, 2:51 PM 

Hay Scott, congrats on your steal!!!

I think you will find that machine to be WAY faster than using a standard weighted swing machine for powder polishing. No, personally I have not used my Cimex for powder polishing because it run at 800 RPM’s and it will just sling the compound out from under itself. At 400, I don’t think you’ll have the same problem. Let me know if it works for you. If it dose, I might get one for myself (If I can find a good price on it…LOL).

David Gelinas
Marble Guy

Current Topic - Heck of a deal on Ebay
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