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Releasit's 1st Three Weeks

October 10 2003 at 3:48 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Well Releasit has been out for three weeks now. The new product is really taking off. We just took delivery of our third 100-gallon batch of Releasit this week and placed another order for the next 100 gal batch. It looks like this is turning into a hundred-gallon a week habit. Maybe somebody could recommend a good 12-step program!

The samples have been popular. At this point we’ve gone through just shy of 200 sample bottles of Releasit. (If any of you haven’t ordered a sample yet I'll be happy to send you one.)

So far everyone seems to like how it performs. Here's a nice comment that Steve Smith posted over on the CCC board...

RE: Smells GREAT... Releasit is a winner!
Posted by Steve Smith, in TN on October 01, 2003 - 05:13 PM

Well KoKo, if you give it a FAIR test, you are going to be one surprised clown.

Rick's new Releasit is excellent in EVERY aspect.

IMO, Releasit is one of the best products to be developed in a long, long time. I like the smell, the great antiwicking properties, how well it cleans, and the easy to remove brittle drying residue... In short it is a winner!

I am just jealous that I wasn't able to develop such a great product!

Steve Smith

WOW Dr. Smith! Thanks for those kind words. I had hoped to come up with something that would perform well. I know you TEST EVERYTHING, so I really appreciate hearing what the "Doc" has to say! Steve, if you see there's anything I can do to improve the product or if you have any suggestions let me know. I'm very happy to hear that you liked it.

I'd also like to say a great big thanks to the rest of you for your interest in my new encapsulant. I hope those of you who tried it have enjoyed the new product!

All the best!!!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Releasit's 1st Three Weeks
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS