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Pet Stains

October 14 2003 at 8:53 AM
Tim Absher  

Rick, since I'm new to carpet cleaning I could use some help when it comes to different carpet stains. I've read through the forum and it has been a big help!
But one type of stain has not been discussed and that is pet stains.
Your product (Releasit) works great, from my brief experence, on soda spills and also on oily spots from parking lots. Do you think it will work on pet stains?
Please keep in mind that there is a guy in town with a HWE and I'm sure he has tried to get these stains out already. He has had alot of problems with browning and resoiling.
Thanks for all your help.

PS.And to just let you know, my wife and I have already cleaned two banks in town and some smaller jobs and with great results and its only been two weeks!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pet Stains

October 14 2003, 12:43 PM 


I'm glad to hear that the system is working well for you! Pet stains can be cleaned with Releasit. Encapsulation will generally clean this type of stain well. If there is yellowing/browning it may also require an appropriate acid treatment to remove the staining from the fiber.

I have to go on record by saying that encapsulation is not recommended for bio-contaminants. While encapsulation is a phenomenal cleaning method, there are places where it's not the most appropriate tool. Bio-contaminants such as urine, vomit, feces, blood, sewage, etc - really should be cleaned with a quaternary disinfectant and HWE.

That being said, I have handled small contaminated areas such as vomit with encapsulation. Here's how I do it... I enter the business and they say "we have a vomit spot over there". First I'll treat the individual contaminated spot with a good disinfectant. I'll spray the spot with with enough disinfectant to completely wet the area (but not soaking wet) and then I scrub the spot with the Cimex to work the disinfectant into the fiber. Next I go and clean the rest of the carpet while the spot soaks and dries. This allows plenty of dwell time for the disinfectant to tackle the bio-contaminant. Lastly I return to the spot and clean it like I would clean a drink spill... (aggressive scrubbing and application of a 50/50 dilution of encapsulant). I am not positive that this method is 100% satisfactory from a hygienic standpoint but it always seems to correct the problem and restore the carpet to a suitable condition.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Pet Stains
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS