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Information About Encapsulation

October 27 2003 at 4:45 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I receive a lot of questions about encapsulation. So I finally updated the Releasit website to answer the most common questions that I hear. Take a peek...

Encap Info

Whaddya think?

Rick Gelinas
Agitation + Crystallization = Encapsulation


Re: Information About Encapsulation

October 27 2003, 4:49 PM 

Excellant, I like it.


Rick Gelinas

Wait, there's more :-)

October 28 2003, 8:34 PM 

I've been adding even more to the site. I've spent quite a few hours in the past couple of days updating the site. I'm attempting to explain the process so that folks can get quick answers to common encap questions. The site now explains Releasit and the encap process. Suggestions are welcome.

There's also a new page for testimonials about Releasit. If any of you would care to share your observations about Releasit let me know. And THANK YOU very much to those who have shared feedback about Releasit.

Rick Gelinas
Agitation + Crystallization = Encapsulation

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Wait, there's more :-)

October 30 2003, 2:32 AM 

Looks good, Rick.

Perhaps add some info about other machines for folks that have them. I am thinking some only have an RX-20 for rotary stuff, or a bonnet setup.

When I did the church meeting room, I tried several motions in different areas with my Chemstractor- straight ahead and back, side to side, and ovals, then ovals after up and back, ovals after side to side, and ovals across and back.

With the Chemstractor, using the CS brush, maybe because this carpet was so filthy, I had to make ovals after any straight motion, up and back, and side to side, in order to have the carpet clean without streaks.

Another point- what happens when a carpet that has been encapped then is HWE or bonneted? Is there then problems with wicking, streaks, etc?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Wait, there's more :-)

October 30 2003, 8:28 AM 


Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it very much.

I'm hesitant to add info about other machines. The reason I don't feel comfortable describing the other machines is because my experience with encapsulation has gone like this...

A fellow gets on one of the bulletin boards and starts complaining that he used encapsulation it didn't do such a hot job. In every cases he was either 1) using a machine that did not produce sufficient agitation, 2) was using a non-crystallizing encap product or, 3) wasn't following directions.

I know that encapsulation CAN be performed with other equipment. But it will require a higher degree of expertise to have success, as your comments with the Chemstractor demonstrate. There are so many possible tools that can be used and they all have varying degrees of effectiveness - so it would be hard to write directions to try to get them all to produce adequate results. And then if I did write directions - would folks follow the directions.

It's kind of like HWE. I can go to the hardware store and rent a cheap extractor. Or I could clean with a Vortex. Two diverse extremes! Now if I fail to produce good results with the little rental, can I rightly complain that HWE is not a good method? The equivalent of this scenario plays out frequently with guys attempting to clean for the first time with encapsulation. That's why I adopted the phrase "Agitation + Crystallization = Encapsulation".

So I am reluctant to recommend the use of equipment that will likely be challenging for the majority of users. I feel that it will come back to haunt me.

But maybe it's something that I'll need to consider as we move forward with this. I appreciate your thoughts on this matter.

Rick Gelinas
Agitation + Crystallization = Encapsulation

Current Topic - Information About Encapsulation
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS