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Can it be done?

November 10 2003 at 11:01 PM
Chris Kallas 

On the other board ICS, Ades Gros said that he cleaned his own house twice using the RX with Spin-Van and Pads. Can be done with pads for residential carpet? I don't want to do residential encapsulation even with the brushes. So, what do you think about pads used in residential?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Can it be done?

November 11 2003, 1:47 AM 

It can be done.

I prefer to recommend encap for commercial in my business.

Heck I just prefer to do commercial in my business.

But yes, encap can be used for some residential.

Rick Gelinas

Chris Kallas

Re: Re: Can it be done?

November 11 2003, 7:00 PM 

I knew that encap can be used in homes, but with the Pads?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Can it be done?

November 11 2003, 11:43 PM 

The pads should be fine for most durable residential carpets. The pads also work great on Berber. For softer cut pile carpets and for rugs I'd recommend the soft 4807 brushes.

BTW there are a couple of guys in the Sarasota/Venice area who are using 15" Cimex machines with the soft brushes for residential. They specialize in servicing very HIGH END big buck condos. Truckmounts are out of the question in these buildings. They do a dual process. Pre-scrub with the Cimex and rinse with a Steamin Demon. They're charging TOP DOLLAR for this service and they are in high demand for their service. It's a cool niche market.

Keep us posted as you use your Cimex in homes.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Re: Can it be done?

November 12 2003, 10:09 AM 

Hey Rick,
What chemicals are they using, or maybe better question, what would you recommend?

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can it be done?

November 13 2003, 12:19 AM 

Last Friday I used the encap system- 4 oz per gal dilution in a residence. I used my Chemstractor and it's regular brush.

Some of the carpet was commercial on a pad, some was wool berber, and a wool runner in the entry. A couple spots came back in the wool berber, and I was there today to deal with the spots.

The first thing I checked was if there was any residue feeling. Nope. Appearance? Looked great. Stiff feeling? Nope, nice and soft.

One spot was from a Coke spill, or possibly coffee, 2 were black stuff of unknown origin.

A dose of Bac-Out, towel it off, done.

DANG!! I forgot to do the Releasit 50-50 trick. I gotta remember that next time.


Current Topic - Can it be done?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS