Gary, the Tea Tree odor dissipates after the carpet is dry.
I thought I’d take a moment and discuss my reasoning behind including Tea Tree oil in Releasit:
The Tea Tree simply adds a fresh clean scent during the cleaning. Although Tea Tree has some really good sanitizing properties I'm not pushing the sanitizing aspect. We'd need to use a stronger dilution of Tea tree to accomplish true sanitizing. At that strength we would adversely offset the other properties in the formula. And the smell would be overpowering to work with. We only wanted to use enough Tea Tree to provide a pleasant odor. So a careful balance was required.
I read an interesting article a few years ago written by Joe Domin, old-timer chemist for Prochem. He talked about how important it is to choose the right fragrance when formulating a cleaning product. Well I considered the available fragrances as I was developing Releasit and I wasn’t impressed with any of them. I’m kind of fussy about smells in any product. I think that most perfume additives smell just like that, “perfume additives”. I wanted something that smelled better. So I went with Tea Tree. It smells natural, not like it came out of a bottle of cheap perfume.
After seeing that the fragrances that were available smelled awful I started experimenting. After I tested Tea Tree and saw that it wouldn’t adversely affect the crystallization I decided to go with it. Coincidentally, when I asked my chemical manufacturer about adding Tea Tree to the formula they went – Huh? They didn’t even have a source for obtaining Tea Tree oil. So I did the research and located wholesale Tea Tree for them to use when formulating our product. (BTW Tea Tree oil ain’t cheap, and neither is the Zonyl.)
It's all about aroma-chology: Consumers equate smells with different experiences, especially women. Case in point… Early childhood memories can be evoked by many triggers, of which one of the most powerful is a particular smell. Do you remember the smell of a Crayola?
Tea Tree has some disinfecting properties and it also has some solvent properties. But the key reason I chose to use Tea Tree was on account of what I was hoping to impart to the carpet cleaning customer. The side of our population that notices smells most is women. Women also make up the majority of the carpet cleaning customer base (even in the commercial setting). Furthermore, today’s women are buying more and more products containing Tea Tree. These products are generally all-natural health and beauty products. So there’s a great association! And the association of smell is important. We want to build a positive experience. If the client is subconsciously saying to herself… “mmmm that smells good, like that facial scrub I used in the shower this morning” then we’ve hit a positive cord.
The comments that I’ve been hearing from our carpet cleaning customers have all been positive. They generally say, “it smells clean”. “It smells clean” Perfect! We have succeeded, we’ve created a positive experience i.e. CLEAN.
So there you have it. The idea behind the Tea Tree oil in Releasit
Rick Gelinas