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one worn out pad

November 27 2003 at 12:19 PM
Ades Gros  

Rick i e-mailed you a picture of the pads. I have numbered the drivers to see if it's the same one wearing one pad.

Carpet Magic


Rick Gelinas

Re: one worn out pad

November 27 2003, 12:53 PM 

Give me a call Ades so we can try to figure it out.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: one worn out pad

November 27 2003, 2:34 PM 

Brought this up a couple of weeks ago, have tried some of the suggestions but we continue to have 1 pad wear out long before the other two.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: one worn out pad

November 27 2003, 3:09 PM 

You guys have me puzzled.
Very strange indeed.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Re: one worn out pad

November 27 2003, 3:42 PM 

I save the two good pads until I have enough then use them until the one wears out again then throw them away, still 1000's of sq ft left in them

Ades Gros

Rick i measured the drivers

November 27 2003, 7:36 PM 

I measured the pad drivers, well i set them on my driveway and put a level across the top, they are the same height. I put 3 fiber plus pads and they are different hights could this be where the problem is?


Tom Rowe

Re: Rick i measured the drivers

November 27 2003, 8:41 PM 

I've had the same experience with the pads too. I've also noticed that sometimes a pad will wear unevenly. After I run it for a while it will be like a half inch thick on one side, then 180° around the pad it will be down to 1/8". I just pitch them when they get wore down to the "Critical" point(when the little plastic prickly things on the pad driver is poking through the pad itself).
I have had the deal where one pad wears out faster than the others, and I just replace that one pad and keep get'in up with it. I don't have time to fool with them.
Naturally sometimes they all 3 wear very evenly.
I suppose it's most likely a slight variation in the pads that causes these things to occur.



Bonnet Mitts

November 30 2003, 10:50 AM 

Worked all day with Cimex machine, only instead of pads I used bonnet pads no noticable uneven wear on the bonnet pads, the other Cimex used pads and all three pads are wearing at a different rate.
It is almost like the drivers are applying a little different amount of torque.
Primary driver, secondy driver, just a guess.

Current Topic - one worn out pad
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