The encapsulation system is really best suited for commercial applications. It enables cleaners to clean large areas of soiled carpets quickly. I know that encapsulation is being used by some cleaners in the residential setting. And I've heard some good results from those who are using it in homes. One good place for encapsulation in the residential setting is on Berber - it does awesome on Berber. There are other applications where it’s been used successfully too - such as rentals. But honestly I think encapsulation is simply matched well for commercial, that’s where it shines. Tom Rowe's comments above are good.
Regarding the safety of Zonyl, DuPont reports that it is completely safe. Zonyl is considered to be so safe that it’s not even required to be listed as an entry on the MSDS sheet. In fact the only ingredient in Releasit that's required on the MSDS sheet is isopropyl alcohol.
I think it would be impossible for anybody to predict in truth all of the possible long-term outcomes for every chemical that we work with, physically or environmentally. Therefore I think that we should all try to use every single chemical that we work with as if it were a green-headed monster, even the ones that are labeled “safe”. Because what’s considered “safe” today could wind up on the banned list tomorrow - including fluorochemicals. The health and environmental impacts of fluorochemicals are undergoing ongoing research. (See DuPont’s comments below)
My wife and I are vegetarians. We try to eat natural foods. We try to use natural products. And we try to avoid unnecessary hazards to our health. So when it comes to the chemicals we work with in our business I prefer to be very cautious.
Bottom line: I wouldn’t feel comfortable assuring you that Zonyl or any other chemical is safe. I don't think any man has the ability to assuredly make that kind of statement. (I can tell you that I’ve been told it’s safe) I can tell you taht all of the information that DuPont has presented indicates that Zonyl is completely safe. Hopefully they're telling us all the truth.
DuPont Comments On Their Fluorochemical Technology:
Telomers are Different
Telomers is a term used to describe the most common synthetic route for manufacturing perfluoroalkyl compounds. Telomer chemistry is the base chemistry for products that provide protection, repellency and surfactant qualities. This includes Teflon® and trade-branded products for carpet, textile, paper, fire fighting foam, nonwovens, coatings, and stone and tile applications.
DuPont telomer chemistry is not made with nor does it use PFOA or PFOS in the manufacturing process. However, we have confirmed that PFOA is an unintended reaction byproduct present at trace levels in some DuPont telomer based products. The scientific evidence supports the conclusion that PFOA does not cause adverse human health effects in any segment of the human population, particularly at these trace levels. DuPont has produced telomer-based products for more than 35 years. Research and use data during that time have not provided any reason to doubt the safety of the telomer chemistry used by DuPont. DuPont has proactively commenced repeated-dose, developmental, reproductive and environmental studies on selected telomer intermediate, surfactant and polymeric products to develop more data in these areas. Study results have reinforced our belief that DuPont's telomer-based products are safe for their intended uses.
Confidence and Trust - Our Commitment to You
DuPont is focused on the ongoing safety of our products and the viability of our customers' businesses, DuPont's commitment to our customers is stronger than ever. We believe that telomers provide a valuable benefit to society. We will continue to provide sound chemistry that is backed by fact-based product testing and a commitment to safety that spans the over 200-year-old history that has made DuPont the company that our customers know they can trust.
In summary, you can be assured that DuPont considers its telomer chemistry to be safe for its intended use based on data gathered over four decades of testing and use. And our customers, many of whom have reviewed our findings in-depth, echo that confidence. However, DuPont is committed to providing our customers with information about our ongoing testing and validations of DuPont telomer chemistry. For more information about DuPont's use of PFOA, please visit our web site. Source:
Rick Gelinas