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on pads

December 2 2003 at 4:19 PM
bo newman  

I'm just getting started on encapsulation and haven't
tried pads. It seems counterintuitive that pads would
outclean brushes. Would someone explain the process
that make pads superior. In my mind I see pads skimming the surface and not cleaning the carpet fibers.


Rick Gelinas

Re: on pads

December 2 2003, 7:32 PM 


I understand your point of view, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea of scrubbing with pads too. In fact the first time I heard the idea of using pads to scrub a carpet I flat out rejected the idea. I can be kind of stubborn. This was several years ago. Fortunately for me the vendor I was working with was as stubborn as I am and on a demo that we did together he insisted that I try cleaning with pads. I agreed with him that that the pads worked, but I was still to stuck in my mindset; I didn't want to give up using my trusty old Braun Aluminum backed shampoo brush. But sometime later I decided to play around with the pads some more. It didn't take long for me to see that the pads DID clean better than my shampoo brush and with less detergent too.

So that's why I recommend using FiberPlus™ scrubbing pads. These pads are well suited for scrubbing carpets with the correct degree of agitation. Why scrub with pads rather than brushes? Consider this illustration – you have a greasy frying pan to clean. You could get it clean by scrubbing it with a scrub brush, but if you scrub it with one of those green kitchen pads the pan will clean up even easier. Why? It’s because the pads make more surface contact. So when we scrub a carpet with a pad the same principle holds true. We have better agitation and we use less solution to get the job done.

Now you're probably thinking... Wouldn't brush bristles travel down into the fiber better? No. Brushes bend sideways as they turn on the carpet. So what you're scrubbing with is the sides and tips of the bristles. On the other hand, the pads make total contact with the carpet. And as the pads turn, the carpet tufts are flipped onto their sides and the sides of the tufts are scrubbed. Perfect! That's what we want to accomplish. Additionally, the fibers scrub against each other (kind of like washing clothes by hand). So the more surface contact, the more scrubbing that occurs.

A few of our Cimex customers have ordered Cimex machines both ways (with pads and brushes). Every single one of them has stuck with the pads.

So it using pads seem crazy at first. I thought it was crazy too. But if you try cleaning with pads you'll see what I mean - it works!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: on pads

December 3 2003, 12:15 PM 

Bo------I bought both brushes the soft and firm thinking I would use them more than the pads, they sit in the shop and I have not touched them in many a month, pads for us all the way.
I too was very skeptical about the pads when I first saw them, however we have carpets that we clean every week with the pads and they look great.

Current Topic - on pads
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