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FYI Procyon

December 5 2003 at 5:09 PM

I was reading a lot of the bb and I saw that there were several people talking about procyon.Are you guys aware that the original soapless cleaner is a prouduct called formula 212 from the:leighton Corporation. I have used both I like 212 better PH.509-484-5052 Though you might like a choice.

PS Rick, can't wait till my order of releasit gets here.I have an account that I clean and the carpets wick back, >so that will be my first miracle to see using releasit.<I used 212 with a pad then followed up with bonnets it took longer to wick back but still did.The account is a school for barbers lots of junk in carpet.


Re: FYI Procyon

December 7 2003, 11:54 AM 

The secret with encapsulation and eliminating wick backs is a little more than the detergent system, the method of application plays a very important role in the results. Using A cimex machine for example allows to use very little detergent, yet get excellant agitation, using a swing machine and a bonnet pad will not achieve the same results, and you may well experience wick backs, because it easier to over or under apply the detergent.


Re: Re: FYI Procyon

December 7 2003, 6:39 PM 

Thanks Don for the input. My thoughts were that if I got the spots visually out, then they wick backed, there was still junk in the carpet bace that not even the bonnets could get out. So if I use the encapsulation system I belive the miracle should happen(no wick backs). As far as the cimex, that is on my wish list.

Current Topic - FYI Procyon
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS