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December 9 2003 at 11:03 AM

I was wandering if I needed to use my cirtris solve or if the 50/50 mix works on the the spots that I normaly use the solve on, does it effect the encapsulation. Does a acid wash that I use for water marks and browing effect encapsulation.I guess my question is does any common cleaners that the carpet cleaners use effect the cleaning.


Re: Prespotting

December 9 2003, 2:33 PM 

The rule of thumb I use is to try to remove as much of the spotting agent as possible. Usually this means just dabbing a corner of the rag with the spotter, working int he spot and then "drying" the spot by wiping with the dry end of the rag.

Go over the area with the encap solution and Cimex as usual.

The Releasit is a very good cleaner and I find about he only spoting I have to do is for very,very dark oil spots or grease spots--sometimes tar. Use a citrus solvent very frugally and then wipe up with rag and encap. Works well that way. Never had any brown out problems that Releasit did not counteract. However they were never very promounced either-- more like just faint affected areas.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Prespotting

December 9 2003, 6:58 PM 

Tony's way of doing it is the process we follow. Use the spotter sparingly. We seldom need to use any kind of spotter, aside from dealing with gum, tar, ink, and occasionally coffee. Keepin it simple.


Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Prespotting

December 9 2003, 8:30 PM 

Seldom ever pre spot, usually clean first and than look after the few things that did not come out in the cleaning process.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Re: Prespotting

December 9 2003, 10:29 PM 

I'm pretty much the same as Don. I go over the carpet first doing whatever cleaning, and anything that does not come out then gets a spot remover.

Pet urine, a few other things get a pre-cleaning treatment, but for general spotting, I do it afterwards.

Oh yeah, today, on a wool Berber, there were 3 or 4 tar tracks from a shoe that got a pre-treatment and rinse, but out of 100 or so general spots, they all came out in the overall cleaning.


Current Topic - Prespotting
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS