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Pad Victory!!!

December 17 2003 at 2:51 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We have pads in the works. Woohoo!!! Man I was sweating bullets trying to put this together.

It's a good thing there are a few fish in the ocean. The big fish was too darn slow. The little fish got cooked (sorry bad joke). But now have another fish on the line.

We'll be getting a very similar style pad to what we've been using (beige thermal elastomeric pad). Best of all, they will be running our order tomorrow, so it looks like we'll have pads by early next week. I'm very relieved, it looks like I've tackled the problem of finding a good pad supplier.

If anybody needs pads immediately, give me a call and I'll send you some alternative pads to hold over till the new pads arrive next week. Thanks!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Pad Victory!!!

December 17 2003, 9:10 PM 

Can you help us out here in Canada, we are having similar problems with your old supplier. Please e-mail me with name of new supplier if you can.


Rick Gelinas

Our new heros!

December 18 2003, 3:58 PM 

Our custom order for 150 cases of 7-3/4" pads was submitted to the pad manufacturer yesterday. In one day - they received our logo, printed the labels, manufactured/cut the pads, and boxed them. Our order is presently sitting on their loading dock ready for shipment to us. Now that's good service!

Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas


December 18 2003, 7:44 PM 

Just goes to show that groveling, begging, and pleading can still work in corporate America. My next step would have been to throw a few tears into the offing, I was practically there.

Mark Dullea

Original elastomeric pads

December 19 2003, 8:13 AM 

Just received the 15" version of these for my Challenger. I'm adapting it (the Challenger 3/4 h.p.
version) to a larger (16") pad driver. Do I recall
your saying that you also can still supply 17"
elastomeric pads?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Original elastomeric pads

December 19 2003, 3:57 PM 

Yes we have 15" and 17" FiberPlus pads. And we'll continue to stock 15" and 17" pads.

Just let me know if you'll need some of the 17" pads.

BTW The FiberPlus brand is our trademark. The new pads will carry the same name.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Pad Victory!!!
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