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15 inch vs 19 inch

December 26 2003 at 1:10 PM
roy hawkins  

what are advantages and disadvantages to sizes of machines

Tony B

Re: 15 inch vs 19 inch

December 26 2003, 1:18 PM 

19" = Commercial
15" = Residential

Go with the 19" it really shines on commercial with speed and quality.



Re: Re: 15 inch vs 19 inch

December 26 2003, 2:08 PM 

i have not tried this method but am interested in doing commercial. i hear using pads are better over the brushes. how long do they last? also does anyone know of any canadian distrbutors?

Rick Thode

Canadian Distributor

December 26 2003, 2:53 PM 

Hi roy:

We are the Canadian distributor for Cimex, Fiber Plus pads and Releasit encapsulant. I am located in Medicine Hat, AB. If you would like any more info you can email me at

The pads on pad drivers are by far the best way to go for overall cleaning. The great thing about the 19" machine is its speed and effeciency. With the Cimex you have the ability to clean both commercial carpet and tile and grout cleaning as well if you are so inclined. the Cimex also works great for stripping VC tile floor if you do that as well, so the machine is very versatile.

This board is a great place for information and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Come and share often.

Rick Thode
Clean Effects

roy hawkins

Re: Canadian Distributor

December 26 2003, 4:34 PM 

sent you an email rick, by the way what is your companies name? i live in cold lake , alb

Eric Van Fossen

What about the 24"?

December 26 2003, 8:06 PM 

Does anyone own the 24" model? It seems to me that if doing large amounts of commercial this would speed up the production level MORE!



Rick Gelinas

Re: What about the 24&quote;?

December 26 2003, 9:58 PM 

The 24" is possibly bigger than you'll need. The 19" is an ideal size for most applications. It's also priced considerably lower than the 24" model. In fact the 19" Cimex is even less expensive than the 15" model. It's a supply and demand thing. They manufacture and import container loads of the 19" machines, the other sizes dribble into the country in ones and twos.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

Re: Re: Canadian Distributor

December 26 2003, 8:35 PM 

My companies name is Clean Effects Ltd. in Medicine Hat. I have relatives in Meadow Lake, SK. not to far away from you.

Good to here from you

Rick Thode


Re: Re: Re: Canadian Distributor

December 26 2003, 9:14 PM 

is your # 526-2776? if so i will call next week for info

Rick Thode

Re: Re: Re: Re: Canadian Distributor

December 27 2003, 12:21 PM 

you got it Roy.

Current Topic - 15 inch vs 19 inch
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS