releasitDecember 27 2003 at 2:18 PM |
Steve Roberts
| Hi Rick
I am hoping to be able to use the cimex for prescrubbing prior to hot water rinsing for oriental rugs. Is the releasit a foaming type cleaner? Will it foam up if rinsed out right away?
steve roberts |
Author | Reply |
Gary R. Heacock
| Releasit and oriental rugs | December 27 2003, 4:20 PM |
I have done this several times now, but instead of HWE after shampooing them, I have rinsed them while hanging on a pole, this seems to be a good way to do them, there is very little foam coming off the rugs, so I would expect if you use HWE, it should not be a problem.
Gary |
Tony B
| Re: releasit | December 27 2003, 8:11 PM |
To be honest it does not make much sense to use Releasit prior to HWE. Releasits benefits are only really maximized by leaving the product down and not HWE. There are alot of presprays that will work better if extracted/rinsed out. LST is one product that is used frequently in wet cleaning oriental rugs.
While Releasit is an excellent product, and won't do any damage if HWE out, its almost like rinsing away most of its benefits using it with HWE.
Tony |
| Re: Re: releasit | December 27 2003, 8:19 PM |
Thanks tony.
I do understand the benifits of releasit and that it is designed to be left in the rug, however because we do wash loose area rugs and have the luxury of having the rugs for a few days and we are always wanting to maximize the amount of soils that we remove from rugs we do rinse them with hot water extraction. I just need to know if releasit will foam up at all if rinsed out right away.
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Re: Re: releasit | December 27 2003, 10:36 PM |
You could try it to see. Releasit produces a nice level of foam as it's being scrubbed. But it's a light foam and I don't think you'll see a heavy foaming problem. And the foam dissipates quickly. The pH in the rtu dilution is 7 so it's ideal for wool. Those who have performed HWE cleaning following Releasit have said that there was either very little or no foaming.
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Re: Re: Re: releasit | December 28 2003, 12:10 PM |
Using the Cimex and Releasit for scubbing Oriental rugs is a great way to go...
I use the WHITE brushes for this purpose, then rinse very thoroughly.
I use a 3/4 inch garden hose attached to a linoleum roller and roll/rinse several times with MANY, MANY gallons of cold water.
Next, I hang the rugs on a horizontal pole and place air-movers on them... they are usually dry within 24 hours.
The results are very comparable, if not better, than immersion washing. You can practically drink the water tha runs off them while hanging. LOL
I charge $3.00 SF or non-fringed rugs and $3.50 for rugs with fringe for this service. It is a lot of work, but the results can be awesome. |
steve roberts
| rug washing process | December 28 2003, 12:53 PM |
wow, that is very interesting how you do it with a lino roller. How many rugs do you wash a week? What sort of cleaner do you use? Do you treat the fringes with anything? Do you extract after rolling?
steve roberts |
| Re: rug washing process | December 28 2003, 4:35 PM |
Call me for more info... 615-443-4291 |
| Re: Re: rug washing process | December 29 2003, 4:10 PM |
I think if I was doing loose rugs I would HWE first than use releasit or any good encapsulation detergent after, this way you will gain the benefits of both cleaning methods. Using releasit and than rinsing it out is not the idea of encapsulation products, there is 24 to 48 hour cure time with encap detergents so why waste the real action of these products, the ability to form a soil bundle of any remaining soil, plus applying a stain resist product to the fibre. |
Steve Smith
| Re: Re: Re: rug washing process | December 30 2003, 6:57 PM |
Sorry but encapsulation will not cut it for the quality of cleaning we perform on Oriental Rugs... neither will HWE, OP, or bonnet. Our method is very close and maybe even better than total immersion. We learned the system from Nathan Koets.
Releasit is an excellent shampoo for our rug cleaning method, but regardless of the product used, total rinsing is absolutely necessary. Releasit can be used for other purposes besides encapsulation... we also like it for OP'ing.
Any questions, give me a call.
Snuffy Smiff |
Bob Cairns
| Re: releasit | December 28 2003, 11:01 AM |
I also clean loose rugs in plant - I use Masterblends oriental rug shampoo - scrub with Cimex and rinse with hose. I have used releasit to do some problem rugs, I have been getting in a lot of rugs with cartooning on the back that is bleeding through. I lightly spray - hand brush - let dry and vac. Works pretty good. |
sTeve Roberts
| cartooning? | December 28 2003, 1:05 PM |
What is Cartooning exactly?
steve roberts |
Gary R. Heacock
| Cartooning | December 28 2003, 1:48 PM |
That's the picture or design of the rug before it is woven, on the backing. Tufts are then woven or hand tied onto the backing according to the design.
Many of these cartoons are not colorfast.
Not all rugs have a cartoon on them. Not all rugs with cartoons are not colorfast, but lots are.
Gary |
Bob Cairns
| Re: Cartooning | December 28 2003, 3:44 PM |
What Gary said. You usually don't know about it until it happens. I just had one that the dealer took back and refunded (it intially bled red from the back due to a 7-up spill). |