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proof of encap removal?

January 5 2004 at 6:29 PM
Steve Bateman  

A soda machine froze up and burst nearly every can in
a church I contract clean. Large 4' dark circle on carpet. Vending co. hired their own HWE cleaners to
take care of this, but carpet was declared uncleanable
and would need replaced. I told them I would clean it.

I bonneted with Clean Craft's Fiber Max to remove all
soda I could before encapping. Then encapped with
Releasit/buffer/white pad. Went back 2 days later and
vacuumed but spot remained. Went back 3 days later(5
total), and to my amazement the spot vacuumed right
out.(Simplicity vac). Isn't this proof of Releasit
removal by vacuuming? Saving for a Cimex!

Jim McDannel


January 5 2004, 8:05 PM 

When you get the Cimex it will open your eyes even more, Rick and I were talking about that today, The results are ok with other equiptment, but incredible with the Cimex, I have made more per hour than ever before with this and my customers love it, and to this day I still have not used coffee remover, It sure is nice looking foward to these big commercial jobs rather than dred them..

Current Topic - proof of encap removal?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS