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January 7 2004 at 7:45 PM
Mark Dullea  

I have always done some commercial work. I've had the
most success getting work with hotels, country clubs,
and funeral homes. Some of these have turned into
long term working relationships. Others ended when
the facility manager/executive housekeeper left for
a job elsewhere.
None of this has involved a contract. With what types
of commercial customers is obtaining a contract the
norm? Does it make it more difficult to get the first
job if you insist that they contract with you now for
future work?

Mark Dullea


Rick Gelinas

Re: Contracts

January 7 2004, 9:32 PM 

Some may feel that a contract is intimidating to the client. I haven't found that to be the case though. We use a simple contract with MOST of our commercial accounts. A simple contract is a standard part of our interchange with a new client. It shows the new client that we're serious and professional (at least that's the impression it gives LOL). It also helps them see that there's no way that they're going to be taken advantage of. Contracts can also add to the saleability of a business if you ever plan on exiting your business. So I'd say YES, using contracts is beneficial to your business.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Contracts

January 8 2004, 8:45 AM 

I guess a contract is a worth while way to go, however, we have several very large accounts and no contract per say. We have a cleaning program in place, and we work off of a annual purchase order.
I guess that is a form of a contract.
No matter what, contract or not, it is no guarantee that they can not cancel your contract, most cleaning contracts have a 30 day cancellation notice included by either party.
The secret to keeping your accounts on a long term, is give them more than you promised, don't be greedy with pricing, respond immediately to their emergencies, by following this very simple philosophy we have kept commercial clients for over 25 years.
It goes without saying that we have seen several different facility managers come and go in all our buildings, however, our excellant service and reputation has paid off, people from all over the organization go to bat for you when someone new comes in and wants to make changes. We have had a CEO stand up for us in one building and even a security guard spoke up for us in another case, you never know I insist that my staff treat everybody in the building with utmost respect. It pays off in the long haul.

Mark Dullea

R. re. re. contracts

January 8 2004, 9:36 AM 

I appreciate the suggestions. Would anyone be willing
to send me a copy of a sample contract?

Mark Dullea

Current Topic - Contracts
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