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What additives can we use if any?

January 9 2004 at 12:14 PM
jim wolverton  

Is there ever a situation where you might want to add something to Releasit to improve results and if so what and under what circumstances? Possible additives I can think of would be an enzyme cleaner, an oxy booster, delimonene, fragrance, mildew killer/disinfectant or isopropyle alchohol.


Rick Gelinas

Re: What additives can we use if any?

January 9 2004, 1:15 PM 

We haven’t tried all the options you listed. But we have seen that maintaining the polymer balance can be tricky. As we developed Releasit's formula we found that we needed to be very careful or else the crystallization wouldn't occur. It doesn't take much to mess up the recipe. A little too much of any ingredient can play havoc on developing a good crystal. And forming a good crystal is not something we can sacrifice. In fact this is probably why most of the competitors “encap” products don’t do so well when it comes to crystallization. Care is needed to get it right.

So my advice would be to leave the formula alone. Releasit already contains a broad range surfactant, it contains alcohol, it contains a fluorochemical, and it contains a light deodorizer. These ingredients are balanced together in a detergent that creates one of the best crystals in the industry. And Jim since you’re scrubbing with the Cimex machine you’re going to see that there’s really not too much that the agitation factor can’t handle. So I’d be real reluctant to add anything else to the mix; in truth I haven’t seen the need to do so (with the rare exception of adding a little acid on occasion for a problem browner).

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: What additives can we use if any?

January 9 2004, 5:42 PM 

The several times I have used Releasit, the only change I have used is for certain spots, with a 50-50 mix R and water.

Not being a chemist myself, I hesitate to mix anything with the cleaning products I use unless it is specifically made to blend with other products from the same manufacturer that are compatible.



"trashed restaurant carpet"

January 12 2004, 6:26 PM 

This carpet is extremely greasy ( it's a grey carpet that looks almost black). Do you think prespraying with a 50/50 mix and then using the cimex could handle that kind of greasy carpet? I've gotten excellent results on the average jobs that I have done thus far but I'm a little apprehensive about this one. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


Re: &quote;trashed restaurant carpet&quote;

January 12 2004, 6:35 PM 

My off the cuff responce would be NO to heavy grease, but it might be good to test the limits of encap cleaning. I would maybe start off encap but bring along the stuff for your regular cleaning method in case you did not get the results you wanted.





January 12 2004, 6:46 PM 

Thank you Tony for the quick reply. I was leaning that way so I guess I'll have to be ready to make two trips (van won't hold both Cimex and hw extractor). Job isn't until the 26th this month so will let you know the results. I really enjoy using the Releasit and appreciate the relief this process gives to my back. Ha!



January 17 2004, 12:53 AM 

Try prescrubing with a enzime product then extract
(Grease eraser) works great. Add few oz. of cirtic solve
form bridgepoint. now thats a combo, it should work just fine


follow up on trashed carpet

February 6 2004, 11:18 PM 

I tried using the cimex to prescrub with an enzyme and citrasolve mix followed by extraction. The next day I used the cimex and releasit. The results were amazing! I came back after they had opened for business a few days later and they said some of their customers asked if they had new carpet. They were very impressed to say the least. Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

Current Topic - What additives can we use if any?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS