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Clearing blockage in the Cimex plumbing

January 11 2004 at 6:02 PM

Rick Gelinas  

If your Cimex gets some blockage in the internal plumbing the cure is pretty simple. It's not uncommon for the plumbing to develop some blockage. But with a little maintenance the solution will continue to flow smoothly.

You'll see 3 small plastic plugs on the topside of the blue deck. Remove each plug and blow high pressure water or air through the hole. If you have a truckmount it would be easy to adapt a spray tip to squirt into the hole for normal maintenance. Any source of water with a good amount of volume will work to accomplish the task. An air compressor will also work. Or a thin piece of stiff wire can be used to work into the water tract as well.

It's also a good idea to periodically wet-vac out the dust, fuzz, debris and sediment that will collect in the bottom of the solution tank. And if the machine will not be used for a few days it would be good to drain the machine.

With a little care you will maintain a nice even flow to all 3 cleaning heads.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Clearing blockage in the Cimex plumbing

January 11 2004, 8:22 PM 

I would add when not using the machine for several days- over a weekend, or longer, not only to drain the machine, but flush it out some with clear water.


Bob cairns

Re: Clearing blockage in the Cimex plumbing

January 12 2004, 7:49 AM 

I just had a small problem - decreased solution flow. I had to reposition the solution hose where it goes thruogh the black clip near the top of the machine. It must have kinked from being in one spot for so long. I just slid it through about 1/4" and it was fine.

Current Topic - Clearing blockage in the Cimex plumbing
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