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January 12 2004 at 1:53 PM

I was wondering if you could help me start a list of business to go and give a bid to. Is there some faverit types of account you guys like to clean I guess im just need a starting place. then i bet ill see all places with carpet as a potintal client Im really short of cash so i though a warm list would be a benift.

Tom Rowe


January 12 2004, 2:56 PM 

It's really gonna depend on what you have in your area.
I like Gov't office buildings, but I guess any office building would do.

Furniture Stores
Movie Theatres
possibly some restaurants
Reception Halls
Car Dealer's
Book Store's like "Borders"
Retirement/Nursing Homes
Funeral Homes
Doctor/Dentist offices

I occasionally do stores in Malls,...usually they want the job done for nothing,...but sometimes I get a reasonable price from them.

That's the stuff that comes to mind right away. If I think of any more I'll post them. I'm sure people can add a lot to this list.




January 12 2004, 3:02 PM 

Thank you! Ask and you shall receive

Tom Rowe

Re: re

January 12 2004, 3:33 PM 

Health Clubs

Bowling Alley's


Mark Dullea

Other prospects

January 12 2004, 10:47 PM 

Function facilities
Colleges & universities
Condo complexes (large buildings, not townhouses)
R&D/High Tech/Assembly

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Other prospects

January 14 2004, 4:41 AM 

When I started my business, I decided I wanted top furniture stores and carpet stores as referral sources. I tore out of the yellow pages all of them, then went around and talked to them all.

Then I tore out all of the interior designers pages and went around and talked to them all. Etc.

Every company that does service and repair in homes and offices are potential customers as well as potential referral sources. You refer them to your customers, they refer you to their customers.

Anyway, by calling on everyone in the yellow pages in a certain category will give you some direction and where to go next, instead of broadcasting, do a narrow search in certain classes.

This worked very well for me.


Current Topic - LIST OF PROSPECT
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