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So where does the dirt go?

January 13 2004 at 12:09 AM
jim wolverton  

Okay, I understand that Releasit pulls the dirt off the fiber and gloms onto it, then dries to a crystal powder and vacuums off, but why does the dirt disappear when it is scrubbed off the fiber? I can think of a couple of explanations, like maybe the dirt shows in the first place because of the refractory nature of the fiber and once it is pulled off it is no longer magnified and discoloring the fiber. But still, clients are standing there watching us clean and asking, "where did the dirt go?" and I am having a hard time sounding like I know.

Also, can a dirt molecule surounded by crystalized releasit become airborne and get inhaled? If so, what is the long term effect of breathing crystalized dirt?


Long term effect

January 13 2004, 1:03 AM 

Not much different than being 200# over weight.
JUST kidding. Breathing the crystal makes you smile all day, that up to you if you fell thats a bad long term effect. oo also effect your abbility to spell words corectly and make good grammer. Jim your good man
wear your gloves when cleaning your faviort playes.

steve roberts

carpet soil management question

January 13 2004, 1:09 AM 

Hey Jim.

Maybe the question should be, where does the soil go when a carpet is cleaned by any system. Does it really all go into the recovery tank. If it all the soil is removed by XXXX cleaning system then why can you take any carpet or rug that has just being freshly cleaned, and flip it over upside down and vac the back of it with a beater bar and soil easily drops out of it...>
The sad truth is that all in-home carpet cleaning systems only manage the soil,, and remove very little, so it doesnt really matter. What matters is that the carpet looks clean, the client is happy and you get the bill paid.
End of story.

Steve Roberts

ps.. i just did my first cimex job tonite, looks great and I will give a report tomorow


Re: So where does the dirt go?

January 13 2004, 8:59 AM 

Here is what we tell our customers, this is what I have been told by a couple of the manufacturers

Soil> First we know that about 79% of all soil found in carpets is insoluble and can only be removed by vacuuming. It is the remaining 21% that requirers the expertise of a professional carpet care company.When we apply our specially formulated "ENCAPSIT DETERGENT" with our triple action counter rotating CIMEX machine, we suspend and agglomerate the soil into larger soil bundles than our special polymer ingredient forms an encasement around the soil bundle and keeps it in that state until the next vacuuming, at the same time we are applying a stain/soil resistant to the carpet fiber. In laymen terms we are cleaning and applying a teflon protection all in one operation. Net result is a anti redeposit barrier that keeps carpets cleaner for longer periods of time.
Post vacuuming is important, however, there is a 24 to 48 cure time with this detergent so vacuuming need not be done right away, during this cure time the soil bundle will continue to gather more soil so foot traffic will enhence this process.
The great thing about this product, is if all the crystallized residue is not removed before the next cleaning it will resolublize during that cleaning and start the cycle of new soil bundles all over again, you should never encounter a detergent residue build up such as you would see with most other cleaning processess.
The soil bundles should be large enough that you should not encounter any air borne problems.

jim wolverton

Thanks for the answers

January 13 2004, 2:42 PM 

Good answers, thanks. Now I am going to go eat twinkies and inhale some crystals.

Mark Dullea


January 13 2004, 5:00 PM 

If the crystallized detergent containing the soil
dries on the fiber (in "bundles" or otherwise), and
then crumbles and gets vacuumed up, why doesn't the
teflon part disappear as well? How can it continue
to hang around - supposedly deterring resoiling - if
the rest of the material has been removed?

Mark Dullea


Re: If/Why?

January 13 2004, 5:18 PM 


The teflon is designed to have an affinity for the carpet fiber and actually attaches to the fiber "forcing" the dirt off as it attaches. The dirt is being "pulled" into the crystal by the crystalizing agents. By this push/pull method the soil is removed and encapsulated while the protector is left behind to do its job.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: If/Why?

January 13 2004, 6:43 PM 


Yer one smart feller.

Rick Gelinas

Chris Kallas

Re: Thanks for the answers

January 13 2004, 5:22 PM 

Jim, i heard some time ago about your famous "Pink Flyer" what was that, it was working, and if yes what kind of text was in it? I have all the original methods of Joe P.


Current Topic - So where does the dirt go?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS