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cimex vs truck-mount

January 16 2004 at 12:39 AM

Hi all

My Friend Peter and myself received our first cimex machines the other day and are delighted. We are very impressed with the quality and the impressive look.

I purchased mine for prescrubbing rugs in our rug washing plant and already see a big difference in the way the rugs are cleaing up, and we are amazed to be using such a big machine on even little rugs, and they dont move at around at all.

Peter is using his on his commercial cleaning contracts and is having hugh success everywhere he uses it. These are pics from a stationary store that was severly soiled and neglected, and for fun we cleaned a small section with a truck-mount and then cleaned around the section with encapsulation.

WOW. We were so surprized that there was such a big difference. Please note that the pen is in the pics is in the middle of the truck-mount cleaned area. I went back today to take a look and I wished i had brought a camera because the truck-mount area wicked severly and looks terrible. The rest of the carpet looks even better then when we finished. I am sold. As a matter of fact i think I may come out of the closet,, errr I mean rug washing plant, and start up a new commercial carpet cleaning division for my company.

Thanks everyone for making this forum such a helpful place.

STeve ENCAP Roberts


Rick Gelinas

Re: cimex vs truck-mount

January 16 2004, 7:40 AM 

Thank you for sharing that super testimonial

I am pleased to hear that it's working well for you as promised! Keep up the good work.

All the best,

Rick Gelinas

Bob cairns

Re: cimex vs truck-mount

January 16 2004, 2:35 PM 

Time spent worrying that my 2 heaters would keep my truckmount warm enough in the frigid weather here in the Northeast - a pain in the @#&.
Not worryng about my Cimex - PRICELESS!!!!!!

Emilio Martinez

Re: cimex vs. truck-mount

January 16 2004, 3:56 PM 

This is exacty the kind of news I like to hear and see. I currently use a truck-mount for residential cleaning, but just received my Cimex that I intend to use on all our future commercial accounts.

I don't want to loose sight of the benefits derived from using a truckmount for deep extraction and agitation when using a rotary extraction tool, but do see the benefits of the Cimex machine. I hope all my accounts turn out as good as this one. Luckily, we have a digital camera that we use frequently. I hope to post some photos from a job that is coming up in the next couple of day where we plan to use the machine.

Talk again soon...

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: cimex vs. truck-mount

January 16 2004, 7:56 PM 

Hey Emelio- you might want to consider using that Cimex and encapping residential too. So far, my results have been excellent, with one very bad carpet among them, the rest being light to moderate soiling.

You might just be surprised at how well it does.


Current Topic - cimex vs truck-mount
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS