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Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers

January 16 2004 at 4:10 PM
Emilio Martinez  

We have always used air movers on all our jobs (both residential and commercial). However, I less moisture you use on a job the greater the challenge becomes in keeping things moist enough for the solutions to complete the job. I don't want to stop using air movers to cut down the drying time, so I am curious to see if anyone employs air movers to dry when cleaning with a Cimex Machine?

If so, can air mover be used during the cleaning process or should the operator wait until the entire room has been cleaned before putting down a couple of air movers? On previous jobs I have used air movers as I clean and it hasn't interfered with the cleaning process. I don't want to assume I can do the same with this method since the amount of moisture applied is extremely low.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers

January 16 2004, 4:26 PM 

That should not a problem. Go ahead and use the airmovers if you'd like to. There's enough liquid being applied to the carpet at the average dispersion rate of 300 sq ft per gal of rtu.

Keep us posted as you gain experience with your new cleaning system. The fellows here are great and are always willing to help.

Enjoy your new Cimex

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers

January 16 2004, 6:32 PM 

From my personal experience is using airmovers with encap--I would not do so. It appears that the cleaning process needs some time to work. I was doing a large gymnasium and went ahead and was running an airmover on an area that I started about 20 minutes earlier. The area with the aimover appeared to be a touch dingy-er then the area not receiving the air movement-remember this is a gymnasium so there is not walls to divide the areas. After I was done with the job- there was enough of a difference that I did a light rewetting of the air dried area. A few days later when revisiting the job the areas looked good.

After that I decided a few hours dry time is great enough and not worth risking a poor result.

Just my observations- Your results might vary......


Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers

January 16 2004, 8:02 PM 

Hmmm.... Some food for thought, Tony. My first job with encapping was a large church meeting room. Lots of food and beverage spills. I used a couple air movers to speed the drying, and had a couple wick backs that I thought should not have but did.

The room was 40 x 50, 2000 sq ft, light blue commercial glue down loop pile nylon.

Since then, I have not used an air mover on any job- although none of the subsequent jobs were as bad as that first one, but you did get me thinking.

When I do that meeting room again, in another month, I will skip the air movers and see how it goes.


steve dobson

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers

January 17 2004, 12:17 AM 

I have built my brief 3 year carpet cleaning reputation by getting things dry quick. I HWE extract with a Butler TM. I post bonnet each and every job and leave courtesy air movers on each and every none. It has worked so much for me. I also use the post bonnet to get that last bit of dirt out..thanks Gary Heacock for those awesome Dirt Getter Bonnets that you sell. You are the man. To make my you can see, i am a fickler' for getting my jobs dry. But on the commercial side of my biz, I have been using the Cimex for over a month now to awesome results. I dont use an airmover personally. the drying time has been so quick, it sort of hasnt been worth it. This comes from a guy that is stuck on using them remember. I also wondered about trying to speed dry the Releasit and maybe hampering it from doing its job. just my two cents worth. I believe that you will find that you dont need to. You will be able to answer that very soon from personal experience. Cimex Rules.


Ive used Air movers on more than one occasion

January 19 2004, 3:35 AM 

Ive used air movers on several jobs I used the Cimex on...I was using Mist n Brush and they came out great.
We vacuumed the carpets before we left, no problems...The dark traffic lanes were gone and the carpet looked great...


Tim Absher

I don't place them directly on the carpet

January 19 2004, 1:05 PM 

The only time I use air movers right on the carpet is after hwe. My exp. with waxing vct has taught me to place the air movers up atleast a few feet, like on a chair, so that the polymers have a chance to "cure" correctly. I learned the hard way on a new const. job and put the air movers right on the ground and the wax crystalized and was brittle.
I don't have much exp. with encap, but it seems to do fine for me placing the air movers higher up.

Current Topic - Cimex/Encapsulation and Air Movers
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS