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Day care Center

January 17 2004 at 7:34 AM
Jay DeLaughter  

Got a call from a daycare center(3000 sq ft), wants a bid and I did'nt have time to look at it. I asked her the sq ft and type of spills etc and she states she has a bid at .10 a sq ft for tm hot water extraction(already used the other company last time). I told her I could do it at that if she wanted to encapsulate it, faxed a brochure and THE article rick wrote. Anyway she held off the other co. and wants a demo. My POINT is can daycare centers be cleaned effectively by encapsulation and if they are cleaning for health reasons is Truckmounted HWE better for the daycare than encapsulation. They had Chem-d one time and where not satisfied with them. I am not interested in cleaning large amounts of Sq ft @.10 with a wand because Thats hard on my body and part of the reason I bought my Cimex was to clean large areas without wanding. Sorry for the Run on sentences I cut out of english class.

Thank you very much! Jay DeLaughter

P.S. Rick, Thank you for the quick Shipment of releaseit I received it friday

Bob Cairns

Re: Day care Center

January 17 2004, 9:06 AM 

Rick could probobly answer this best but I would imagine anyone truckmounting this for .10 is going to be leaving it pretty wet causing some IAQ problems. I would not hesitate to encap it and Releasit has some good sanitizing qualities with the tea oil. Also as far as I know, the crystals left behind are harmless.

Mark Dullea


January 17 2004, 10:11 AM 

I have a couple of daycare center customers. The
hardest part of these jobs is usually the areas which
are stained in various colors with paint & play-do.
I use OP, with a scrubbing pad for the difficult parts,
and it works well. I don't know if the Cimex provides
more or less agitation than a Challenger.

Mark Dullea


Re: Day care Center

January 17 2004, 10:07 AM 

It seems that you are in one of those grey areas.IT becomes a weighing issue. In my mind using a HWE is the BEST method for that type of cleaning situation. However at .10 what type of cleaning are they getting? Is it some b&s job? or are they really doing a good job?

Also how frequently is the job being cleaned?

What I would pitch is a cleaning- more often then they are doing now, with the Cimex cleaning at all the cleanings with one HWE a year. Price the cleaning schedule for a year and allow them to pay monthly- then explain it to them that this arrangement should help them out financially since they could just start including there monthly payments to you in there regular bills and don't necessarily have to wait for the $$ to build up while the carpets are getting dirtier before scheduling a cleaning.

Of course I would pitch this after I have just wowwed them with the demo. Also be alert to see how they might want to go with the cleaning and scheduling and adapt if necessary- perhaps they have finanacial or buracratic guidelines that will dictate certain frequencies.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Day care Center

January 17 2004, 12:35 PM 

I agree with what Tony said.

Plus- Plenty of water-flow.
Minus- Recovery on glue down carpet is not as great as installations over a pad.

Plus- Crystal captures the soil.
Minus- The soil is still present until it's recovered with post vacuuming.

I think that we all recognize that recovery is compromised when we perform HWE cleaning on a glue down carpet. That's why HWE has an inconsistent success rate in the commercial environment.

But on this subject here's something that I've been contemplating. This is solely based on ideas floating around in my feeble brain. So feel free to correct my summation, I will not take offense. But the following reasoning does seem logical to me...

Consider cleaning a commercial glue down carpet with HWE. Let's say that we squirt 1 gallon of water into a given area of carpet (let's say it's 4 square yards). And for the sake of illustration let's say that we recover 70% of the water (70% is higher than what's realistic but let's be generous). So we have cleaned 4 square yards of carpet and we have left 1 pint of water behind.

Let's take a look at the cleaning process. We have our carpet that is heavily soiled. We apply our pre-spray and agitate it. Next we HWE clean the carpet at the rate described above.We apply the wand to the carpet and key the trigger.

What has been accomplished? We have now diluted the pre-spray. And we have also diluted the soil that's present in the carpet. And we have recovered 70% of this dilution. So what is left in the carpet? In this scenario what we have left in the 4 square yards of carpet is a pint of diluted pre-spray and soil.

At this point I have to make it clear that I wholeheartedly agree that HWE cleaning is a great way to clean a carpet. It has a great ability to flush soils out of the carpet. It is an excellent tool, especially in a residential setting where the carpet is built with a fluffy face fiber and is installed over a pad (plenty of airflow/recovery). But can we say that it really cleans hygienically? I'm inclined to feel that claiming this would be stretching the truth somewhat. As I see it, we can only hope to improve a soiled carpet's hygienic condition with ANY cleaning method. No method is truly capable of totally sanitizing a carpet.

Now back to encapsulation. Will holding the soil in a polymer lessen the exposure to the contaminant? I would think that surrounding the soil in plastic would reduce contact with the soil load. It makes sense in theory, but I wouldn't want to say that it is sanitary either. Perhaps it's a step in the right direction, but again I say "no method is capable of sanitizing a carpet".

So when we sell commercial carpet cleaning I think it's fair to say that we're only IMPROVING the health of their building, regardless of whichever method is used. Just my 2 cents.

Rick Gelinas

Bob Cairns

Re: Re: Re: Day care Center

January 17 2004, 12:50 PM 

If the owners of the daycare were worried about the nasties growing in the carpet - wouldn't it be better to first apply a sanitizer like sterifab or hydramasters carpet sanitizer then clean?


Re: Re: Re: Day care Center

January 17 2004, 2:49 PM 

Remember this, when you HWE the color of the water left in the carpet is the same color as the water you dump. "Food for thought"

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Re: Day care Center

January 18 2004, 7:25 PM 

If I WAS to try and get as clean as possible a day care center, with kids on the carpet plus all the spills and dirt the carpet gathers in, and I was going to HWE that carpet, I would certainly want to finish with a DirtGetter bonnet, which not only removes some more of the soil left behind, but helps dry it too.

However, with as little experience as I have had with Releasit, I think it would be pretty close as to what was left behind. (No system will remove 100% of the soils)

Then comes the point of prices. You can certainly do a job for less overhead with Releasit and encapping than with a truck mount.

So... depending on several factors- like need of cleaning, frequency of cleaning, requirements by state and other gummint agencys, etc, I also think several encap cleanings, then perhaps once a year for HWE.

Then ya gotta take into consideration- what will they be willing to pay?


Current Topic - Day care Center
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