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Water Quality and Releasit

January 19 2004 at 7:36 PM
Chris Lawless  

I was wondering how important quality water is when mixing Releasit, as well as any presprays, for best results? Would one see any benefeit using distilled water?

P.S. I'm new here, been cleaning carpets for about 5 years, started my buisness exactly 1 year from today give or take. and live in norther IL


Rick Gelinas

Re: Water Quality and Releasit

January 19 2004, 7:39 PM 

Water hardness and chemicals in the water (such as chlorine) can definitely affect cleaning chemistry. Of course distilled water would give you a consistent base to start with. But man it would be expensive!

Rick Gelinas

steve dobson

Re: Re: Water Quality and Releasit

January 19 2004, 7:42 PM 

personally, i use the water on hand at the site.(mostly hard and yucky around S. Indiana)
i fill up my 5 gal bucket and then heat it via the bucket heater. i am going to start taking 'soft' water to the site though. the results with hard' water are incredible.
if the soft' water is going to make much of a difference on top of this.. i will do back flips. it is awesome now already. i wouldnt think that it could get much better but i cant wait to try.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Water Quality and Releasit

January 20 2004, 11:19 PM 

Part of the total work any detergent has to do is soften the water so the rest of the detergent can do it's job of dissolving the dirt that is soluble, and emulsifying the dirt that is insoluble so it comes off the fiber. So, the less hard water the better.

If you have really hard water, low or high pH water, (You chould check it for pH to know what you are starting with) and you can ask your local water board about graininess.

So, a filter on the truck is a good thing in some locations of the country. These don't change the pH of the water, but do remove a lot of the chunks in the water- dead sheep, canoeists, etc.


Current Topic - Water Quality and Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS