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Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?

January 19 2004 at 10:34 PM
Chris Lawless  

I'm going to be using a 175rpm Koblenz, until I get a Cimex, would it be better to use a cotton bonnet or
the new pads ? Would the cotton absorb to much of the
encapsulant to work efectively?

I just thought if you were using cotton bonnets and changeing them you would be picking up alot more dirt then the remaining could be vacuumed out the following day.

Chris @ Superior

Jeff Brown

Re: Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?

January 19 2004, 11:03 PM 

Use a white buffing pad or Ricks FiberPlus pads, I haven't used Ricks pads yet but I'm sure there the best.
After the buffing pad if you feel you need to then you can bonnet traffic areas.
I have used a 300rpm rotary on an account with a white pad and Rick's Releasit, I shower fed the cleaner and scrubbed with the white pad and that's it.
The carpet looked as good or better than anything else I have used.
I have found, for some reason white pads works better than red.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?

January 19 2004, 11:53 PM 

Well said Mr Brown. Jeff's advice is sound.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?

January 20 2004, 8:27 AM 

I get a little concerned when reading about some of the pads that are being used on a floor machine for carpet care. The fiberplus or the white pad are all I would ever use, anything else I think is asking for trouble.

Jeff Brown

Re: Re: Re: Re: Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?

January 20 2004, 9:09 AM 

Don is right to be concerned, I would never use a red pad with a rotary.
When I tested a white pad vs a red it was on a carpet that was already trashed and with an orbital pad machine, a rotary creates more friction than op.
From what I have read, Rick's pads would be better for performance and durability.

Chris Lawless

Cotton Pads

January 20 2004, 12:15 PM 

I was talking about thick cotton pads used for the CCS
Oscillator, I think they're similar to the fiberplus pads. I haven't seen them yet so I'm not sure.

Sorry if you thought I was talking about the pads used for stone work etc.

I was just a little concerned about the fiberplus pads being to agressive on a direct drive rotary for thicker carpeting especially if you were going to use it for resitentual.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Cotton Pads

January 20 2004, 11:29 PM 

The machine I use is a Chemstractor which is a 175 RPM roto. I use the regular shower feed from the shampoo tank.

I have used Rick's Fiber Plus pads on 3 residential jobs now, and had used the regular shampoo brush before. The Fiber Pads work a lot better than the brush, the job goes faster and the Releasit goes further because the pads make more foam.

The residential jobs carpet was mostly nylon plush, but also 1 wool berber, 1 olefin berber and a polyester plush.




January 27 2004, 8:58 AM 

For Encap I use a white pad that is used to polish floors. This pads are tuff and good for aggressive cleaning.

Current Topic - Best Type of Pads-Bonnets to use?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS