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California Winterfest

January 20 2004 at 10:35 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Winterfest in Fresno is this weekend Thu-Sat. I'll be conducting a session on encapsulation, Mary Beth Marsh will also be doing a part on encapsulation. Yaser Amireh has done a first class job of putting this together for everyone's benefit! In fact we'll be running Yaser's Cimex and doing some hands on demos. It's going to be a lot of fun! If any of you can make it to Fresno I know it will be worth it.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: California Winterfest

January 20 2004, 11:20 PM 

And I am gonna put on my World Famous "How To Clean Silk Rugs and Furniture"!!

Be there!! That's an order!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: California Winterfest

January 20 2004, 11:26 PM 

You all have gotta see that!!!

I saw Gary smear dog-poo and pee all over rugs and watched him clean it. It was entertaining as well as educational. Don't miss it.

Rick Gelinas

Tim Absher

Re: Re: Re: California Winterfest

January 21 2004, 5:56 AM 

I wish I could meet up with all of you there. I grew up just south of Fresno and still have family there.

About the dog poo thing, will they let you fly with that stuff?

Jim Cross

Re: Re: Re: Re: California Winterfest

January 21 2004, 11:24 AM 

I wish! I wish! I wish I could be there. It has been below zero for almost two weeks, wind is supposed to pick up to 30 mph(wind chill???). Maybe if I click my heels....look for me, I'll be the one with the ruby red shoes


Re: California Winterfest

January 21 2004, 1:13 PM 

Is every day the same thing or is there some thing different each day I was trying to at least make it saturday. Just woundering if I would miss a lot


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: California Winterfest

January 21 2004, 1:34 PM 

It's going to be several different mini-classes, lots of hands-on, food, friends (new and old), tall tales, and a great time! So be there. You won't be disappointed.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - California Winterfest
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