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Encapsulation after HWE

January 22 2004 at 5:57 PM
Chris Lawless  

What would the results be, on resteraunts and very dirty carpets with spills etc., to first Hwe the area then spray the encap product down and agitate?

Whould the carpet be to damp to work properly?

I was even thinking about this with res. as I already post bonnet maybe charge a little more, I think the benefeits might be worth it.

Any Suggestions?

Jay DeLaughter

Re: Encapsulation after HWE

January 23 2004, 8:42 AM 

A Product thats out by CTI "Crystal Rinse" will do what you want i believe. It leaves an crystal barrier that keeps things from wicking up. At least thats what they told me. You Just meter it thru your truckmount.

Jay DeLaughter

jim wolverton

Re: Encapsulation after HWE

January 23 2004, 10:48 AM 

I don't know the answer to your question, but I thought I would add:

Instead of prespraying restaurants that are extremely soiled, I found it worked well to use a shampooer and then HWE, being careful not to build up much foam. The results were spectacular in every case I can remember.

So I would be inclined to do that and then if I had a wicking problem I would retouch it with encap.

Also, I suppose you could use the shut off valve on the cimex to greatly restrict the flow of solution, then run a very strong encap solution through the machine to compensate for the fact that the carpet is already wet, if you were going to try cleaning after HWE.


Re: Re: Encapsulation after HWE

January 23 2004, 12:46 PM 

You could use an encap product after HWE does help, although in a restaurant why bother.
In restaurants we use our Cimex to pre scrub after we prespray, this allows us to use much less water in our HWE function.

Tim Absher

2nd that!

January 24 2004, 5:12 PM 

Since we don't have a TM, just Steamon Demon, after prespray we run the cimex over it. Works great for us and cleans up well.

Craig Walton

Brushes or pads?

January 26 2004, 9:44 PM 

Hello, I'm interested to know if those of you cleaning restaurants with your Cimex are scrubbing with brushes or pads.I have an account cleaning a small chain of Pizza places, and they are greasy!I tried pads, and they clogged up with grease! I'm thinking if you scrub with brushes, you must have a dedicated set to clean restaurants with, as they would most likely not be useable for anything else.Also what have you found to be a good way to clean your brushes of grease
Thanks for any help.I'm one of those newer guys to carpet cleaning, so I tend to read and learn, I don't have much to say otherwise.


Re: Brushes or pads?

January 27 2004, 2:10 PM 

We get better agitation with the pads than the brushes, if the pad gets loaded with grease just take it to a sink and flush it out and reuse it again.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Brushes or pads?

January 27 2004, 7:29 PM 

I am with Don. While I don't do restaurants, I have rinsed out a pad that was pretty soiled from a fairly dirty carpet, the dirt rinsed right out.

With grease though, you might need some detergent or other grease cutter applied directly to the pad before rinsing.

Experiment a bit, and let us know how it goes.


Current Topic - Encapsulation after HWE
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