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Hwe after encapping

January 29 2004 at 2:17 AM
Gary R. Heacock  

This lady's whole house was cleaned in Nov, just before Thanksgiving by encap process. Cleaned great, no problems.

Since then, she has had several fairly big gatherings, with several attendant spills of food and beverages. She wants the Living and Dining room cleaned again. Not because it is dirty, but her concern was with all the traffic and all the spills.

OK, I go there today to do it. Probably 10 beverage spills, one she identifies as a full cup of hot spiced cider, and another as coffee with cream and sugar. The rest are unidentifiable. You know how it is with a bunch of guests.

The cider spill is about 20 inches in diameter, with droplets going another 10 or so inches out. The spill is both in the LR and DR, and covers where they join.

The big coffee spill is also slopped in the DR and LR, about 2 feet in diameter.

OK, I apply the 50 -50 mix of Releasit to the cider spill and the coffee spill, brush it in, towel off.
Gone. No spotters of any kind on the other spots.

Now, I can clean the carpet in any of several ways. It happens I want to test a new material for my wand skis, so I am gonna truck mount it.

Everywhere in all the areas- no foam from prior encapping with the Releasit. Where I had just applied the 50-50 mix, THAT did foam quite a bit. I had to use some alcohol as defoamer. Some on the carpet, some up the vac hose.

So... I gotta say in normal use, when HWE after encapping- don't worry about foam problems.

When I drained my waste tank, the dirty water was almost clean enough to drink, and no foam there either.

Encapping residences WORKS!!



Re: Hwe after encapping

January 29 2004, 2:46 PM 

We have experienced the same results


Re: Re: Hwe after encapping

January 29 2004, 6:36 PM 

I have been encapping residential for well over a year with very happy customers. I am cleaning for WEALTH!!!!! LOL


Current Topic - Hwe after encapping
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS