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Spotting ???

January 30 2004 at 2:06 AM
Emilio Martinez  

I am new to encapsulation and an not sure how to spot using this method. I have used HWE for years and traditional spotters such as Bridgepoint T-Rust, Citrus Solve, and various spotters that all call for extraction. Can these same spotters be used with this method without causing a problem due to lack of extraction or are they safe to use with encap?

I cleaned an office the other day with encap and wasn't sure how to tackle rust, gum and some shoe marks I encountered. I have taken out similar spots in the past with very little effort.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated...


Re: Spotting ???

January 30 2004, 2:27 AM 

Do a search for "spots" see if that help answer some of your ?

Bob Cairns

Hey Rick

January 30 2004, 10:52 AM 

Speaking of spotters - what about getting Realsit in labeled spotter bottles with the 50/50 mix - kinda like the GLS stuff? Welcome back.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hey Rick

January 31 2004, 12:05 AM 

That's an idea I have been thinking about in the back of my foggy brain. Maybe someday. (Thanks for the welcome back)

You can use a small amount of just about any spotter with the encap process. Just be sure to blot up the majority of the solution with a towel, and then encap like normal. This will work fine. I suppose if there was a very large or intense spot, you might consider using one of those small spotter extractors. I have one of those machines, but I never use it for this purpose. I simply blot up the spotter with a towel and then encap as usual - and it's never been a problem.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Spotting ???
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