I've always been inclined to under promise with Releasit. For example, I don't recommend it for trashed restaurants. That being said, my cleaning company still cleans a restaurant once a month with the Cimex and Releasit, and we're getting zero complaints. Yet I've still shied away from recommending this system for heavy grease. I've always felt that asking a polymer to swallow a HEAVY load of impacted grease is not really in the scope of what it was designed for.
I generally recommend the Cimex/Encap system for the normal soil conditions that we find in 99% of commercial carpets (grayed out dingy carpet with lots of spills and even light oils and asphalt sealer tracked in). For this encap works great.
Well I ran across following post by Ashley Mckendree on the CCC board this morning. I am excited to see results like this! Now I'll still recommend Releasit for typical commercial soiling, but it honestly looks like I may be under-selling the product. It's really pretty cool... I keep hearing about cleaners who are doing things I never even expected that Releasit could do (like all the stuff Gary Heacock has posted here). Well I guess I'm kind of like a proud pappa watching Releasit blowing away even my own expectations. So take a look at what my kid is up to
Here's post from the CCC board...
AMAZING Results (Encap + Padding on nasty SLUDGE)
Posted by Ashley Mckendree on February 02, 2004 - 11:17 AM
It has been 4 Years now, That my Familys Business Has Cleaned carpet for a Sports Grill Resturant, It has ALWAYS had a THICK Sludge of Crud leading from the Kitchen to the Dining area, We usually made it alot better, but the Carpet was so Far-Gone you could still see the Traffic lane.
We have cleaned it with 240 Degree heat, Pre-Srcubbed it with high speed Rotarys, used EVERY chemical you can think of. And 2 weeks later it would be right back, because it was still SO sticky!
Well, Last month we Pad cleaned it, it came A LITTLE cleaner, with much less effort than usuall. and last Night, (4 weeks later) It still looked like we had just padded it! BUT it still had that grimy Traffic lane...
Well, this is what I did:
Sprayed it with Releasit, Scrubed it with my Conqueror + Encap Brush, Put down a SLOPPY wet pad (Soaked in HOT Soft Water) And went over the Areas Twice with 2 pads on each side, Then I Generously Applied more Releasit, Scrubbed it in, and PRESTO!!!! The Carpet looked like NEW!!!!!!!
But to be safe, I went over the areas with Dry Pads to soak any of the Sticky crap that could still atract more.
It took me just as long to clean it as HWE or padding, but the Next Scheduled cleaning will be a BREEZE!
Rick Gelinas