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Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004 at 1:33 PM
Chris Kallas 

I have to do a very soiled commercial demo on Friday morning, if I use 16oz Realisit instead of 8oz, that will make any difference, maybe a cleaner carpet? I heard that 50/50 make a spotter, a 16oz to a gallon will make any improvement?

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004, 3:35 PM 

My suggestion is to start with the recommended amount of concentrate, and see how it goes. Then, if needed, slightly increase the amount of concentrate. Add more if needed until you are getting the results you want.

I have- and my son has done a couple pretty bad offices with excellent results with the standard mix.


Chris Kallas

Re: Re: Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004, 4:06 PM 

This is a DEMO to show how good encap works on very soiled carpets, and I don't have a second chance. I guess I'll go with the 16 to make to make it a bit stronger. I wish I had Rick's new Hoover Cocquest to open up the fibers and vacuum real deep.
Rick, when I need an additional Cimex, how quick can you get one? I know that it's in demand and they go fast.


Re: Re: Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004, 4:35 PM 

mix 16 oz. to 2 gallons of water. Go to the dollar store or Walmart and buy a measuring cup. I wonder how many carpet cleaners just guess or actally measure?
Here is a tip: When I going to a business to look for rug jobs I always bring a test bottle of solution and my scrub brush with me and show them right there what I do for the dirt spots. Always clean just in the middle of a dirt spot so they have to call you back. The spot where you tested will stand out. I also have a few test bags of dirt I bring with me. After an encapping job I have vacuumed the next day and keep the dirt in a sandwich bag. It gets jobs.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004, 4:43 PM 

Use Releasit at the correct dilution. There's no need to go stronger. If you absolutely feel compelled to mix it stronger, I would not recommend adding more than 10% additional detergent (but certainly not doubling the mix).

Here are a couple of suggestions for succeeding on a filthy carpet.

1. Pre-vacuum thoroughly.
2. Mix Releasit with hot water.
3. Follow the directions on the jug for mixing "pre-spray" (12 oz per gal with reg strength / 6 oz per gal. with double strength). Apply the pre-spray to the carpet to give it a few minutes of dwell time.
4. Scrub slowly making extra passes.
5. Avoid over-wetting the carpet. Try to get it dry quickly.

This will do the trick

Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Very soiled commercial

February 4 2004, 4:56 PM 

A load has just arrived at the importer today (shipping tomorrow). All of these machines are already sold. The next allotment of available Cimex machines are expected to arrive around February 21st. I was told earlier this week that two thirds of the next batch are already sold. The next container is expected to follow about two weeks later. We're trying to get them as fast as we can. So at this point, I'd suggest possibly ordering a machine sooner than later, so that you can get into the que for a machine. Sorry for the delay.

Another alternative is this...
I've received word that there are some new 24" machines available. These include shampoo brushes. The 24" machines normally sell for $3500. These are new in the box from a supplier who has gone out of business. These can be purchased for $2700 plus freight. If this fits your needs it would be a bargain.

Rick Gelinas

jim wolverton

24 inch cimex

February 4 2004, 10:29 PM 

Do the 24 inch cimex machines have the same operating speed?


Rick Gelinas

Re: 24 inch cimex

February 5 2004, 10:36 AM 

They have the same 400 rpm rotation as the 19" macines. They are ideal for really large open areas.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Very soiled commercial
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS