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Pet Urine Stain

February 9 2004 at 3:26 PM
Emilio Martinez  

I extracted a pet stain the other day from an all "white" carpet(Big dog - large urine spot). The stain came out, but I anticipated some wicking. Sure enough, I got a call back advising there was some wicking the next day. The owner says it a light yellowish tinge on the surface. Will a 50/50 mix of releasit remove this urine spot?


Re: Pet Urine Stain

February 9 2004, 6:19 PM 

when you say extract', are you talking HWE or just with the cimex or an encapsulant?
Did you put any pretreatment since you knew that it was urine contamination?
I would have used Bac Out by Bi-O-Kleen products.. sold by Gary Heacock from this board, on the spot, given it some dwell time. then blotted it up, Followed by HWE and post bonneting, or if using Releasit or an encapsulant if it was a commercial carpet, after blotting it up after using the Bac-Out...i would then use the cimex and Releasit in the normal fashion..maybe trying to fastdry that spot and at worst, leaving a light misting of BacOut for safe measure. it is naturally safe and wont hurt ar attract any residue. Just my opinion. thats all I have. LOL




Re: Pet Urine Stain

February 9 2004, 6:31 PM 

After reading that post again, i am assuming since you said extraction you meant that...Extraction and nothing to do with encapsulation or releasit.
Since it is the VLM board and mainly dealing with the Cimex and Releasit, that is why I questioned the term 'extraction.
Pretreat with a urine spotter such as BacOut,
give dwell time, blot up.. follow with a good extraction, post bonnet to get it dry and then mist a little more BacOut on it. You can also use the Water Claw on a urine spot and soak the carpet and padding good.. extract with the claw and post bonnet it and dry it down quick. For safe measures, stack 4-5 papar towels under a heavy object, put plastic or something between the paper towels and the object,and let it wick into ithe towels it would, but after all the above measures, I would doubt it.

Emilio Martinez

Re: Re: Pet Urine Stain

February 9 2004, 7:22 PM 

You are correct. I used hot water extraction (HWE) with the Water Claw and pre-treated using a Bridgepoint product for Urine. The spot came out but there was a lot of urine (Big German Shepard w/ bladder problem) and I anticipated so wicking. I guess the question now is... will Releasit take the yellowish tinge out or do I need to use something else?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Pet Urine Stain

February 9 2004, 8:09 PM 

50/50 Releasit works well to stop recurring wicking that are common with drink spills such as soda, coffee etc. I haven't personally tried it for urine, but it should work.

However urine yellowing is a problem that may require additional treatment.

At this point I would not recommending soaking the spot again, since the pad may still be holding a trace of urine that could wick again and because you've already extracted it once.

I like Steve's suggestion to use Bac Out. If you treat the Spot with Bac Out the spot should be removed. I watched Gary Heacock do some COOL stuff on urine stains at last year's Winterfest. I think that Bac Out may just do the trick! Ask Gary for more info about Bac Out.

After cleaning with Bac Out - dry the spot as much as possible and then apply the 50/50 Releasit to help hold back any wicking that may still occur.

And of course there's always the possibility that the old pooch has returned to water its favorite spot after you cleaned it - so the problem may not be yours. Of course, good customer service requires that you return. But you might at least want to consider this possibility.

Rick Gelinas

Chris Muetterties


February 9 2004, 9:07 PM 

This is the 1 product that I find to do it all. Odor and stain are all gone when used with a water claw. As for the remaining stain I would mist it with Stain Magic and walk away. Good Luck !!


Re: OSR by CTI

February 10 2004, 2:21 AM 

That is a good combo too.
I am just trying to be au natural' now. that is why i suggested the bi o kleen product such as BacOut.
great stuff.
The CTI product line is great. all their products.

Emilio Martinez

Re: Re: OSR by CTI

February 10 2004, 3:11 PM 

I believe the wicking was a result of not speed drying the contaminated area. All the yellow tinge was gone upon removal of the spot. I want to say that rinsing the area and the amount of drying time could have been the cause of the wicking. I don't anticipate a recurring spot using a low moisture technique, but have never used Releasit to address this issue. I am confident I wont experience this problem a second time, but don't know what to expect when I use Releasit as a spotter.

Everyone's input is greatly appreciated.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: OSR by CTI

February 10 2004, 3:46 PM 


Your approach sounds logical to me.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Pet Urine Stain
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS