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bonneting Releasit on trashed berber

February 11 2004 at 1:52 AM

I feel like Heacock telling A story.
We have had terrible weather the past two weeks in Indiana, so to say the least, i havent cleaned much at all. So my mind was elsewhere this morning. I drove to a job... 2 rooms to do. Easy morning right? Read on. I parked my van, went to the rear, opened the doors and found out that I had totally forgot to put my chems in the van. What was i thinking.?? (below freezing, chems taken out daily ) I did a quick inventory. the following is what I had: 1 RX20 w/ bonnet attatchment only. 1 gal 2x Releasit, 5 Dirt getter bonnets by Da Man'...Gary Heacock. thank you very much.. and my Royal commercial vac and Ghandi brush, plus some small misc stuff. I thought, what the heck. i am gonna try to pull this off. The homeowner, this was a rental, forgot to tell me it was trashed. lol.
There were big red or red kool aid stains.. about 5 major ones.
SoI prevac'd. I didnt have the was at the shop. So i was going to use the Rx and bonnet with Releasit. This combo was the experiment.
The worst case would be that i had to drive 25 miles back to my shop and reload with all my ammo.
But no, honestly, ole' Gary came to mind.. so why not just try it I says' to meself.
Like I said, I prevac'd good, used the Releasit as a prespray (yes, I did have 1 pump up w/ me)...sprayer that is, then hit the bonnet with Releasit too. The bedroom wasnt quite as bad. 15 minutes later,, Wow. it looked great. Olefin berber if I didnt say. Dark brown in the Bedroom, off white in the LR.
I went to the living room. This was seriously class V filth. I did the same. It looked 'pretty good.
but the red stains were still there. so i had to go back to the shop needless to say and get some Red Relief, my iron and white towells.
I got most of that stuff up, and then went ahead and hit the LR with the RX20 and HWE. But I think it would have maybe looked alot better with the agitation of the Cimex and fiber plus pads vs. the lower speed Rx w/ bonnet.I didnt know if Releasit could do anything with the red spills. I didnt expect it to on a specialty spot like that.
But it was all fun, the only job I had to day, and very rewarding to push the envelope a little. It sort of confused me at the end though. My bonnets were absolutely filthy. So that meant that i had taken alot of dirt out. SO did i leave any Releasit in to encapsulate?
They sure looked good and for this rental, that was the main thing. They thought I was a god and all along, I was experimenting. Too funny.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: bonneting Releasit on trashed berber

February 12 2004, 12:12 AM 

And THAT'S how you reach GURU status- doing stuff others don't do or can't do, or never think of.

Sure, not all experiments work, but some do.

Keep it up, Steve!! Apprentice Guru!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: bonneting Releasit on trashed berber

February 12 2004, 8:19 AM 

We'll call you guys Gary and Gary Jr.
How's that sound?

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: bonneting Releasit on trashed berber

February 12 2004, 10:43 AM 

I will leave the guru' title up to Big G
I am experimental in the fact that i like to push the issue on residential carpets.
In this example, i pushed the envelope a little simply because I didnt want to drive 60 miles rounttrip.. i will be honest. lol
I just love Releasit. I dont think it is the answer for world hunger and world peace but it is an awesome product.
Thanks Rick for giving it to us and making us better cleaners and more easy to clean. You are the Guru.
Take your mad scientist robe off and relax a while.

Current Topic - bonneting Releasit on trashed berber
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS