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Intoducing "Cimex Man" !!!!

February 13 2004 at 2:46 PM
Mark Stanley  

Got my new R48 and cleaned my own residential carpet (sculptured nylon) with it by feeding ReleasIt (mixed 1/2 strength ala Gary Heacock) through the brushes.

#1) Prevac
#2) Shampoo
#3) Postvac

The results are fantastic. The carpet looks C-L-E-A-N, feels soft, and smells great! It took about 2 hours to be "dry to the touch" but I could have knocked that time down to 20 minutes with an air-mover.

One thing that really excited me was how incredibly fast the cleaning proceeded. Measured by the the time it takes to clean the fiber "top to bottom", I'd say, the Cimex is way faster than even bonnet cleaning.


I am seriously considering using the Cimex not just for my commercial accounts only, but also to service all or most of my residential clients with, as well.

The Cimex (and a small 3 gallon extractor to handle stair cleaning and very tight areas) may be all I ever need. We'll see.

Bob "cap'n encapsulater" Cairns

Re: Intoducing &quote;Cimex Man&quote; !!!!

February 13 2004, 3:24 PM 

It is amazing ain't it! I wish the Cimex was a little easier to get around in a house. Yesterday I cleaned a peach custom nylon area rug in my shop with my Cimex and it looked pretty good today. I decided to hit it with my OP machine and a fairly new pad to finish it off - pad was barely soiled! Now I just gotta fing a GLS machine and I will be all set.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Intoducing &quote;Cimex Man&quote; !!!!

February 13 2004, 10:12 PM 


I am so glad to hear that you now have your machine and are enjoying it. We've been friends for quite a while now. It's nice to have you on board using this system. Now slide on down to Atlanta and take over the commercial market.

Wishing you all the best bud.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Stanley

Re: Re: Re: Intoducing &quote;Cimex Man&quote; !!!!

February 14 2004, 10:39 AM 

It's been great to have you and Nancy as friends over the years!

Atlanta is "HWE land" and many/most of the big buildings here utilize those 25 gallon self-contained extractors and inferior (JanSan type) cleaning agents. That's why the carpets in these buildings typically look like crap year round.

Yes, I think I will hit the Metro Atlanta area HARD now that I have a truly unbeatable system and a supplier who truly cares (YOU!).

Current Topic - Intoducing "Cimex Man" !!!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS