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Can we cause any problems mixing Releasit too stong?

February 13 2004 at 5:57 PM
Coby Gibson  

Feel like I'm getting somewhere? with my results. Just did a really difficult olefin berber low loop carpet again (didn't do so hot the first time) and used a mix of 36 ounces/gal.. also sprayed some traffic lanes with 50/50 ... AND ... it looked great.

Will this come back to 'haunt me' by using the mixture this strong? I know more isn't always better, but... SURE looks great!

Next time I'll by the double strength, mix it twice or three times label... Carpets will be shiney clean? and Rick will LOVE my biz... Just think, will order Releaseit by the tanker load, attach a garden hose and just 'hose' that dirt away!

Thanks for any insights!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Can we cause any problems mixing Releasit too stong?

February 13 2004, 10:10 PM 

Occasionally mixing the product just a little stronger (say 10-20%) is not a problem. But I would prefer to see you save your money on using extra product though, and simply try to see if you can use Releasit as directed - this should work well in even the most extreme conditions. If you follow the directions for "pre-spray" and on the Releasit jug pre-spray your nasty areas - this will go a long way toward softening a heavily soiled carpet. Also if you make a few extra dry passes with the Cimex on a trashed carpet you can accomplish some impressive results too.

Hope this helps ya!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Can we cause any problems mixing Releasit too stong?

February 14 2004, 5:17 PM 

I did a nasty empty this afternoon and did just what Rick said. After shampooing I made a few dry passes, the shadows disappeared!!! White nylon cut pile in a $1200 a month rental, 3 rooms and a big walk in closet, wanna guess how much to RESTORE it?



I'm curious, how much?

February 19 2004, 7:11 PM 

Inquiring minds want to know! How much to restore 'em?

Current Topic - Can we cause any problems mixing Releasit too stong?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS