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Why buy a new Truck Mount?

February 14 2004 at 8:11 PM

I am thinking about purchasing a new TM. I currently have a TM but I am thinking about taking the encapsulating route. I know it is proven on commercial grade carpet. What about residential? Stay with the TM for residential or make the switch?

Bob Cairns

Re: Why buy a new Truck Mount?

February 15 2004, 8:46 AM 

See my "no more truckmount" post below. I think you can go with encap to do empties and residential. Problem is Cimex is hard to lug around. I did an empty a while ago and had to lug hoses up 3 flights of stairs - a pain but impossible with Cimex and 1 man.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Why buy a new Truck Mount?

February 15 2004, 1:56 PM 

I am pretty much with Bob. There is a time and place for each system. If you only had one system, you will find under some circumstances you wished you had a different system.


Tim Absher

Re: Re: Re: Why buy a new Truck Mount?

February 15 2004, 3:35 PM 

I'm new to carpet but not to cleaning. For years there has only been one guy in town with T/M. Since my wife and I clean most places in town, we heard a mix of results. We had our house cleaned 3 x's by this fellow.
A few months back we wanted to offer more to our customers, so we bought 15" cimex and steamon demon. We work the two together on res. carpet and on com. we use the cimex.
This partnership has worked great for us. But there has been one downfall..... I also purchased a spinner for tile and grout. This thing rocks! I've done a job and it turned out great and need to do 3 demos when I find some time. But this is where a used t/m or good port. unit would be nice, like a mytee.
I thought I could save some $$ and just hook up the spinner to my pressure washer along with an older rug doctor vac. Well, the vac just isn't enough and I have to stop to empty it about every other minute.(Thank goodness I have a great wife!)

Hopefully my mistake can help some of you. Not that I dislike my steamon demon, it does a great job. And I have been very happy with the smaller cimex.
It could be that your t/m could work out much better that you thought?


steamon demon

February 15 2004, 5:46 PM 

Tim why don't you hook up your spinner to your pressure
washer and the steamon demon the auto dump should handle the water from the washer, to do the tile.

Tim Absher

Re: steamon demon

February 16 2004, 8:31 AM 

I've thought about trying just that. My problem is that I didn't buy the attachment for that. Do you know if the steamon demon has enough vac, say, on a 10 to 15 ft. of hose? This might be the answer, but, thats more $$ and I'm not sure it would work.
Can someone help me out on this? Thanks


Re: Re: steamon demon

February 16 2004, 4:44 PM 

a demon will work well with 20-30ft of vac hose. it did for me anyway.


Current Topic - Why buy a new Truck Mount?
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