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Using Teflon after encapsulating

February 16 2004 at 8:51 AM
Kevin Pearson  

I am new to encapping and am patiently awaiting my new cimex and chemical. I am wondering after I encap can I spray Teflon on it? I sell quite a bit of Teflon now as a HWE guy and hope to continue. Any drawbacks or advantages to Tefloning right after encapping?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Using Teflon after encapsulating

February 16 2004, 12:33 PM 

An application of Teflon would need to be applied AFTER the crystallized encapsulant has cured and been thoroughly post-vacuumed. So application of a Teflon protector would need to be provided as a secondary return service.

However, you may find that applying a protector is not as needed as it may have previously been. I believe you'll find that your carpets will be staying cleaner longer than with prior cleaning methods.

Also keep in mind that Releasit contains a fluorochemical. There isn't the same degree of fluorochemical protection as you'd find with a full application of Teflon where liquid will bead up on the carpet. But there is a soil resistant benefit to the fluorochemical that's built into Releasit.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Stanley

One Possible Alternative

February 16 2004, 6:32 PM 

I've been encapping all my residential clients since last friday and today a client insisted that I protect her beige nylon frieze. Here's what I did:

After encapping, I took my 3 gallon MyteeLite extrator and lightly rinsed the fiber tips with hot water sprayed in a fine mist from my floor wand (I sized it down to an 110015 t-jet). For every wet stroke (back only) I gave 4 dry-strokes (up/back/up/back). Then I over-spayed my OMS-based protector on it and groomed it in with a carpet brush.

Rinsing the fiber tips hopefully gave the protector a way into the fiber without totally defeating the encapsulation process.

I kept my fingers


Re: One Possible Alternative

February 17 2004, 7:14 PM 

keep us informed. I dont think that i want to play around that much with the encap method though.
If we jump start the procedure too much, I think we are defeating the purpose. I think that is why it is designed for commercial. If I know that they want protector, I dont mention encapsulation unless it is an empty and will be empty the next day when i can go and do a thorough vacuuming and then apply my protector and rake it in. Something to think about. i dont apply protectors to my commercial accts now. I do them monthly and they stay clean until about that time that i get away with it. This works for me. Maybe not anyone else. It is just in my opinion , there is 'x' amount of time to encap and do a job right. If we try to do it in 1/2 X time, then I think we will do the method an 'injustice' and then possibly earn badmouthing of the method altogether. but it is a matter of time before it probably happens. Exactly why there is normal.. good, better and best in the normal HWE or other cleaning methods. Shortcutting of time and materials to save a buck and do it quicker. As my dad always said on the jobsite "quality wears no watch"


Re: Re: One Possible Alternative

February 17 2004, 11:27 PM 

why not go back 2-3 days later vac the carpet real good and then protect? You should be making good $$$$$$$$ by encapping and the mark up on your protector.


Current Topic - Using Teflon after encapsulating
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