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Detail encapsulation matchine

February 22 2004 at 12:23 AM
Jeff Jones  

Greetings All,
I was looking for something smaller than the orbiter to do really tight places and stairs that have very nice wood around them.

I have found the orbiter or better known as the (little jiggler) can be a bit much to try, and, here is a new word (Detail encapsulation) it still is to big to get around residential stairs with wood and such.

I went to the local (harbor freight) which is a tool store and bought myself a 6" orbital palm car buffer for a grand total of $12.87. I put the rough side of velcro on it and used some of the fiber plus pad that I had left from making the pads for the orbiter and stuck it to the bottom of the orbital palm car buffer or (Detail encap matchine) and it works like a charm.

To try it out, I made up some solution and encap my basement steps (12) of them in less than 10 min, they are short cut pile light bege color. They came out great.

I normaly charge $2.65 per step to clean, that is $31.80 and it takes me more than 10 min to do them. I can see that this is going to be a great little detail tool for encap, it should work great on upholstry also.

I have some office chairs I will be trying it on in a few days or so to see how it goes on them.

Oh by the way I got to try out my Cimex for the first time today and it is a great tool, What a pleasure to use and I think it looks Way Cool too.

Any one want pics of my (Detail encap matchine) e-mail me and I can send off some pics. I will also try and get some pics of the chairs I so with it, before and after pics.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Detail encapsulation matchine

February 22 2004, 9:28 AM 

Kewl beans Jeff.
Thanks for sharing your invention!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Detail encapsulation matchine
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