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A Most Excellent Stair Tool

February 24 2004 at 1:50 PM
Bo Newman 

Well, here I am on trashed out stairs. I mean, there
is grease and dirt and only God knows what else in
these stairs. I vacuum until I've worn out the carpet
and start in with my counter-rotating, RG padded,
two-headed whirling dervish stair machine and strong
Releasit and they look pretty good, well, maybe fair.
So, I say to myself, self, this is a good time to try
your new invention.
It's a simple idea - I took the shaft from my GLS,
put on the desired brush, a few spacers, and put this
in my one-half inch, reversing, portable drill. I
sprayed on a little more Releasit, found out the trick
of controlling this beast, and lo and behold, it worked. It looked good.
What happened? I believe what it is, is that the pads
got the top part of the fibers clean and the brush
got deeper into the carpet and got the bottom part of
the fibers clean. (cont)


Rick Gelinas

Re: A Most Excellent Stair Tool

February 24 2004, 1:52 PM 

Way to go Bo.
Innovation is what it's all about.

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

Re - cont. of a most excellent tool

February 24 2004, 1:53 PM 

Now, if someone has a different idea, I'd like to hear
it. I've tried this tool again and it seems to clean
deeper than just the pads.
I've got a Cimex and I love it. I wouldn't trade it
for anything. It's a great scrubbing machine. But
maybe on residential I need to think about starting
with the Cimex and finishing up with the GLS.

Jim Wolverton

Re: Re - cont. of a most excellent tool

February 25 2004, 3:00 PM 

How much are you going to be selling them for?

Bo Newman


February 25 2004, 5:35 PM 

If you want to try one, you'll have to go to
Whittaker, buy a GLS shaft and whatever brush you
think you want, (residential or commercial). The
shaft is $20.00 and the brush is $80.00
I'm not selling them and there is nothing to make. In
a sense it cost me nothing, since I already had the
machine, and the one-half inch drill. If you don't
have the spacers try washers with a one-half inch
hole and wrap them with tape to keep from losing them.
It's best to have a reversing drill to go both directions to get all sides of the fiber.

This message has been edited by on Mar 3, 2004 11:41 PM

Bo Newman


February 25 2004, 6:51 PM 

Actually the talk about the stair tool was the pretext
to ask the real question, which is, who out there has
experience using the GLS and the Cimex together. They
obviously have a bit different way of cleaning, and
it's obvious that the Cimex is going to be the superior
scrubber on commercial. Now, what have others found out about residential? I'm sure I can find out on my
own but I would just as soon cut the learning curve down, if possible.
Thanks in advance.

Current Topic - A Most Excellent Stair Tool
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS