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need to know

February 27 2004 at 3:22 PM

I have been a HWE person for years. IICRC certified, etc.. I have a small cleaning business and also supervise the cleaning crew for a local university
(free college education for the kids). Trying to get them to buy into a new system. A portable and bonnets are killing me on the the 150k sq. ft. of carpet. A truck mount is out of the price range,cost,repairs etc. By reading the message board I have learned a lot. What do you do to reach in the areas where the machine doesn't go, under desks, corners, does it work on olefin, jute backed carpet smell, etc.. Please explain some of the abbrevations like GLS, etc.. Don't want to invade the oregon market. Happy with my HWE 470 MAXX. Want to try to keep from over working. Work smarter not harder. Thanks for the info.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: need to know

February 27 2004, 9:19 PM 

Hi Steve-

Maybe I can be of some help- I am not the expert some others are, but for places the machine won't go, there are several tools a person can use- like the Stand Up filtration line and grout brush for edging, some stairs etc, and I use a long handeled 100% cotton swivel headed dust mop for under desks, and things on legs- in a residential, I use it for under beds and dressers on legs- and sometimes also use a kitchen sponge mop with a built in wringer for these things.

Since with a Cimex or roto, you are feeding the detergent from the shampoo tank directly onto the back of the brush or bonnet or Fiber Plus pad, it goes very quickly- a LOT faster than a portable or truck mount, as long as you have electricity available for the machine, you can go anywhere.

The GLS is a machine with 2 vertical rotating brushes, one goes one directon, the other goes in the opposite direction for a vertical scrubbing of the pile. These are a lot lighter weight machines and easy to handle, quick learning curve etc, but not as fast per sq ft as a Cimex.



Rick Gelinas

Re: need to know

February 27 2004, 9:22 PM 

Yes I agree Steve... A portable and bonnets would kill anyone on 150k sq. ft. of carpet.

The Cimex and Releasit would work nicely for you.

Yes, the Cimex / Releasit system works great on olefin, as well as all synthetic fibers and wool.

The Cimex will extend under desks. Edges and corners don't normally get a lot of traffic or dirt - generally they just need vacuuming. However Gary Heacock turned me on to a cool brush at Winterfest that we now carry that attaches to a threaded pole. He uses it for filtration lines. So we will be handling these brushes now too. It does a real good job on the edges and corners.

I think that GLS stands for Gee that's a Little Scrubber. LOL Actually I don't have any idea what their initials stand for. The GLS is a lightweight cylindrical brush scrubbing machine.

If you have any other questions just ask and I or any of the pros here will share what they know.

Have a nice weekend

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: need to know

February 27 2004, 10:54 PM 

I own both GLS and Cimex. I use em for the job requirerment , Cimex on dirty, GLS for maintenance cleanings.

I carry a brush for other areas also.



Tool for edges

February 28 2004, 1:40 PM 

I enjoy using the Cimex machine. For areas that it can't reach I use a Porter-Cable buffer that accepts the 7" FiberPlus pads and it works great. I just presray steps, filtration lines etc. with Releaseit and buff.

Current Topic - need to know
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS