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Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004 at 8:32 PM

I use a Butler with a RX20 for all my comm carpet cleaning. How does the Cimex work for Restaurants? And the Restaurant has a company come in every night to clean the kitchen and vacuum the carpet, do I need to pre-vacuum if it was not done since the day before, I don't now with the TM. And what size Cimex do most people use? I am just hearing about this, Thanks for any info.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004, 9:51 PM 

Here's a recent link to a post where restaurant cleaning was discussed...

The 19" machine is the overwhelming most popular size.

And if you'll click on my "encapman" logo in my signature below - you'll find some of the more common encapsulation questions considered.

Let me know if I can help you in any way.

Rick Gelinas

steve dobson

Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004, 10:20 PM 

i used that same setup.. a butler and rx20
i now have the Cimex and there isnt a comparison.
it takes me about the same amount of time.. i personally have tables and chairs to move.
but the results are much better with the Cimex and Releasit. And the results last longer. that is the good part. MGT. commented today about the difference.
they love the drying times. big plus. Good luck.
i am not cleaning nasty, greasy stores though.
just alot of foot traffic soils. I got the carpets looking good with the HWE and RX, but the traffic lanes always looked dingy,, but now now. they shine'


Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004, 10:36 PM 

do you pre-vac if it was done night before?

steve dobson

Re: Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004, 10:49 PM 

personally, i always do, even if i saw them doing it when i pull up. employees are what you get,, employees. they dont care if they get it up or not in most instances. and they are looking for the obvious stuff on the top of the fibers. not what might be down in there. They are just wanting to get off and get home and on the net. LOL I cant blame them. So to answer your question, I always prevac. Too, most stores vacuums aren't up to par. their bags are full, the sweeper is broke and non caring employees as mentioned above. When you do it, you know it is done right because afterall, you are the one responsible when it gets down to it. good luck.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 3 2004, 10:55 PM 

It's important to remove the dry soil before any cleaning process is performed.

We instruct all of our clients to pre-vacuum and post-vacuum very well. These are the terms of our service arrangement with them. But as we all know, this is not a perfect world. So...

We will often pre-vacuum (even though their staff has already pre-vacuumed) if the carpet looks like it will benefit from it. In some cases we will just vacuum the traffic areas. I would rather provide too much pre-vacuuming than not enough.

We use the Hoover Conquest for this task because these vacs dig in and really pulls out the dry soil. And it's always surprising to see how much dry soil is in the dirt cup after we finish vacuuming.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 4 2004, 4:56 PM 

Yep. Pre-vacuum yourself. A typical example is a bookstore I did Monday. The staff had just vacuumed prior to my arriving. I vacuumed also. In the dirt cup of my vac was an amount the size of a baseball- not too terribly much, but the more you can remove dry is less to remove wet.

Plus the majority of dirt in the dirt cup was a very fine silt rather than a lot of hair or lint.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 4 2004, 5:19 PM 

Yes Gary I agree with you about the silt. I get a lot of that very fine silt out of our commercial carpets too. It's obvious that the fine silt soil would amount to a greater concentration of soil as compared to bulkier grit and fuzz. So it's important to get that junk out of the fiber before we add moisture during the cleaning.

Rick Gelinas

steve dobson

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Restaurant cleaning

March 4 2004, 9:14 PM 

The two 'gurus' reply back to back.' Wow.
good stuff as always.

Current Topic - Restaurant cleaning
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