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Hot water

March 4 2004 at 12:23 AM
Bo Newman 

I must be lazy because I don't use hot water in my
Cimex. But maybe being lazy isn't very smart if it
means I actually work longer.
How about it Rick? You once heated water in buckets
to use in your Cimex. Still doing it?
If it does make the work go faster and better, how
about a heater to put in my Cimex tank that will work
at all water levels and any temp I choose. That way
I can work faster and still be lazy.
By the way, love the new features of the board. Way to

This message has been edited by on Mar 4, 2004 12:26 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hot water

March 4 2004, 12:50 AM 


We still use bucket heaters. When we get to a job we will fill up 3 or 4 buckets of water. We'll then drop the bucket heater into the first pail while we get set up. After we pour the first bucket into the Cimex we'll drop the heater into the 2nd bucket. This process continues right on down the line. So getting hot water is pretty easy. The advantage to using hot water is that the detergent will perform just a little better. Remember: T.A.C.T.

Here's where you can get a bucket heater...

P.S. Bo if you can figure out a lazier way to get hot water please be sure to let me know. Cuz I’m trying to corner the market on lazy

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

Re;hot water

March 4 2004, 4:34 PM 

I guess what you are saying is I don't get my computer powered, computer controlled, micro-attentuated, fission powered, instant heat-drop in-never worry
about it-water heater. Now, I've got to find that
bucket water heater but I don't know where it is.
Maybe it's under that pile of worn out wands, except I
can't find them either. Maybe under that 200' of
hose, or maybe.......maybe if I weren't so......
Thanks Rick.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re;hot water

March 4 2004, 4:49 PM 

And there is the way to get hot water I used Monday evening in a bookstore.

The only water source inside was in the bathroom sink- which was REAL small, and only a 2 gallon hot water heater. Of course- they never need larger quantities of hot water.

So... with my truck sitting outside at the curb, I started up my truck mount, and was plenty of 180 degree water from it.

The mixing tank on the truck mount holds 10 gallons of water. You guessed it- I still had about 20 sq ft to do whan the mix tank ran out, and had to finish with cold water.

So... I guess you need to have a truck mount handy for hot water.


ades gros

Re: Re: Re;hot water

March 4 2004, 7:43 PM 

I don't know if it would pull to many amps, but how about a diesel enging block heater mounted into the mixing tank, it would mean another elect. cord, wounder if they both would run in the same outlet.
hum i might have to try it?


Re: Re: Re: Re;hot water

March 5 2004, 8:18 AM 

Pre Heating the water is o.k., however, if you can not maintain that heat until it hits the carpet it is all for nothing, so I would not waste a lot of time on this. The system works great with regular tap water hot or cool.

steve Dobson

Re: Re: Re;hot water

March 4 2004, 9:30 PM 

Same thing here Gary.
last night after doing a HWE job, i went to do the halls in an insurance office.
I ran out of water, there wasnt a hookup besides the little sink that a little cup would barely fit under, so i says to self'"self, go fire up the Butler and get some hot water. I had about 40 gallons on there and the van hadnt' been off for too long. Perfect. I usually fill two 5 gal. buckets up and heat it that way. But then i think that might get it to 135-140 degrees. I dont know if Releasit can get too hot, but i had that 195 degree water at the flip of a switch and that dirt just melted with that boiling hot Releasit. Maybe that hotter is a key. LOL
It wasnt trashed so i am sure the other normal, 130 or so would have been fine. But in the winter here, i dont always have water if i am going to use the Cimex. I will have the van winterized. but it is staying warm at night so I had plenty on there. It worked for me.
A great source for those jobs that have no hook up or easy to get to faucet. Good LUck.

Current Topic - Hot water
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS