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after job

March 4 2004 at 7:03 PM

When you are done with a job do you empty the 6 gal tank?

Chris Kallas

Re: after job

March 4 2004, 8:27 PM 

6 gallons tank? My tank is 125 gallons, and I empty it only when I go home in the evening.


Re: Re: after job

March 4 2004, 10:17 PM 

Chris, do you have any idea what we are talking about?

steve dobson

Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 4 2004, 9:23 PM 

When i am done, i undo the plastic hose and empty the remaining solution into a cup and then pour it into an empty gallon jug that was Releasit, which I have market already mixed or something to remind myself.
I may not use the Cimex everyday and also to keep the solution from sloshing' out when driving and turning.
I will repour this into the cimex and then add the new, very hot mixture the next time I use it into this and then none is wasted. There is always a little left in the 6 gallon tank as it isnt high enuf to reach over the top of the tube and filter down inside the tank.
And I run a gallon of water and blow the tubing out when done also just to keep any releasit from setting up, if possible, just incase i may not use any for a few days. Just my way of doing. may not the best way. But it is working for me.
Hey Rick, how long does mixed Releasit keep its potency? Or is there a timeframe?? thanks.
would it be a spotter to leave in restaurants like for spills, etc. or would it not be bad in a certain time frame.? Thanks.

This message has been edited by on Mar 4, 2004 9:23 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 4 2004, 10:10 PM 

It's not necessary to drain the machine, unless you won't be using it for several days.

I have seen that ALL detergents will lose a measure of their performance after about 24 hours in the fully diluted working state. However these diluted products will store longer if they're kept in a sealed container like Steve mentioned.

Therefore we will generally try to run the solution tank down as low as possible toward the end of each job. And then when the machine is used again in the next day or so, we'll simply add another bucket of fresh detergent to the tank. This rejuvenates the mixture and I can't see any difference in its performance.

Rick Gelinas

Chris Kallas

Re: Re: Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 4 2004, 10:32 PM 

LOL, sorry Fred, I thought you was talking about waste water tanks.
I'm sure you are talking about the CIMEX's solution tank.
Rick, if the Cimex's solution tank is not empty, how do you put back to the van over the ramp?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 4 2004, 11:16 PM 


I'm a strapping tough guy and I just pull that sucker right up the ramp. Did you forget what a tough guy I am? Shame on you.

Rick Gelinas

steve dobson

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 5 2004, 7:25 AM 

hey rick,
will you post the 'post' about the ramp you built. that was pretty informative. i lift that dag gone' thing up and down each and every time. i am a strapping tough guy too, but the Cimex is a tank and it is starting to take its toll on my back. lol
I give in. i wave the white flag to the Cimex. time for the ramp. thanks

This message has been edited by on Mar 5, 2004 7:26 AM
This message has been edited by on Mar 5, 2004 7:26 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: after job (hey Rick)

March 5 2004, 4:12 PM 

Current Topic - after job
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS