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Releasit is now even better

March 9 2004 at 12:13 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Last month I learned about a new fluorochemical that has recently been developed. Releasit had been formulated with DuPont Zonyl from its inception. Zonyl is a good choice for a product like Releasit. And Releasit was performing very well with this formulation. But Zonyl has been around for many years and there have been recent advances in fluorochemical technologies.

Seeing that there's now a truly "cutting-edge" fluorochemical that would complement our chemistry, I decided to have a test batch made up. The test batch proved to be even better than the original version of Releasit with Zonyl. I'm not talking about a small improvement either - there was a big jump. Test carpet cleaned up more easily and also resisted resoiling better.

So we're now producing Releasit with the new fluorochemical. The most recent 300 gallons of Releasit have been manufactured using the new technology. The results speak for themselves. It is nice!

The reformulated product with the new fluorochemical has a redesigned label that displays ADVANCED FLUOROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY on the front of the jug. The new product has been being shipped during the past week and a half. I'm blown away by the performance of this reformulation, I think you will be too.

I'm working hard to put Releasit way out in front.

Rick Gelinas

steve dobson

Re: Releasit is now even better

March 9 2004, 12:40 AM 

Way to go bossman. Kick a$$
keep up the good work Encapman.
We appreciate it. I just got in from doing my Arbys
restaurant and once again, Wowing' the mgt with the results. Great stuff. I cant wait to see what the new
does. It is time to order another case so it wont be long. Talk with ya soon.

Mark Stanley

Re: Re: Releasit is now even better

March 9 2004, 8:09 AM 

Great job, Rick!!!!! It just keeps getting better and better.

Current Topic - Releasit is now even better
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS