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My "Dream Chemical" Wish!

March 9 2004 at 8:37 AM
Mark Stanley  

Rick, is it possible to create a version of Releasit that has no or very little foaming properties while still retaining all of the other great encapsulation properties Releasit is becoming famous for?

If so, I'd buy a 55 gallon drum of it!

I have decided to stick with HWE mostly for cut pile residential work. It seems like every other residential job now is a trashed out, urine-saturated mess. I don't even want to get my new Cimex near this crap, so I'm using it mainly for commercial now, like you are.

The problem is.... I really want to keep using Releasit for my residential clients because I love the way it cleans, smells, disinfects, and protects. I don't want to use it as my prespray only to go back and rinse it back out. In my mind, that defeats the purpose.

Because of all the things it does, I want to use Releasit as my "rinse agent".

There are only two products that I personally know of that claim to be "encapsulators" made to be used as rinse agents in your portable or TM and they are:

Pro's Choice "Crystal Rinse" and Scout's "PolyWash". I have used PolyWash and it is a good product, but who wants to pay $40.00 a gallon for it? Not me! I haven't yet tried Crystal Rinse so I don't have an opinion on that yet.

Anyways, is it possible to make a version of Releasit to be used as a rinse agent? Please say yes!


Rick Gelinas

2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 8:47 AM 


We're thinking along the same lines. Kind of scary, isn't it?

I've been looking into possibly developing two new products.

1) A hot water extraction rinse that contains the encapsulating polymer and fluorochemical technology.

2) I'm also exploring the feasibility of producing a protector that has the encapsulating polymer built into it so that it could be used in conjunction with encap cleaning.

I work with a very sharp chemist who says we can make this happen.

So here's what I need to know from all of you:


Do you want an encap HWE detergent? And Do you want an encap protector?

It's very costly to produce a new product. So I need to know if there's strong interest in this before I take it to the next level. Your feedback is appreciated!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 9, 2004 9:35 AM

steve dobson

Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 9:00 AM 

Hey Rick. i like both ideas. here is an idea for you to answer. part of the reason that i love releasit so much is the Cimex. what a great machine with awesome agitation power. seems it would be difference with wand followed up by releasit as a rinse. but I guess if i was to use my Rx, and do a nice Releasit and water rinse, that would encap that remaining soil and be cool, and then be able to include the protector in with it. would it best be brought thru the system or is it a possibility that it could be misted on and then worked in somehow?
keep the ideas in that encap head working. we benefit alot. thanks of behalf of everyone.

steve dobson

Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 9:04 AM 

I forgot to comment on the no 2. I love the idea of being able to include a protector with Releasit. The only downfall, if it is, is that those people who use Releasit in the residential setting, they can't use a protector, or if they do, it is 24 hrs. and a good vacuuming later. to do it right that is.
If encaping and Releasit and protecting the same time was an option, that would be great. I would love it and use it esp. on alot of berbers. Time will tell if you get this on the market. What will you do with all your 'riches'? You wont be like Steve Tourben and then be emailing from a remote island in the Caribbean would you? LOL
good luck

This message has been edited by on Mar 9, 2004 9:06 AM
This message has been edited by on Mar 9, 2004 9:05 AM

Mark Stanley

Re: Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 12:04 PM 


I say Go For It!!!!!!!!!!

Now that we have "true" encapsulation since you have introduced Releasit to the industry, this technology should indeed be made available to the HWE market as well!

I consulted with my 4 year old "genius" (IQ-275) nephew and he gives the idea a "thumbs up"!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 12:28 PM 

What a cute kid Mark - much better looking than his uncle.

I appreciate your comments.

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

RE;RE;RE;RE; 2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 2:38 PM 

I don't see how it could be anything other than a
winner. When it comes out I hope you don't have a
thousand cases of regular Releasit laying around, or
will the price difference be quite a bit more?

This message has been edited by on Mar 9, 2004 2:42 PM


Re: RE;RE;RE;RE; 2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 3:01 PM 

The rinse agent could be a winner, however, the encap protector, I don't see a big market for the type of investment required to get it to the market place.
Some people are already using a similar rinse agent, so there seems to be a place in the market for that.
I guess it all depends on how much advertising you can get from your web site, and trade shows around the country. I don't think you will see the rapid growth you have achieved from releasit encapsulation detergent.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: RE;RE;RE;RE; 2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 3:06 PM 

Yes Don, I'm feeling the same way you are. I don't see that the Protector would be as big of a draw as an HWE rinse agent would be. That's why I'm looking for feedback before moving forward with it. But if there is sufficient interest I'd consider doing it. I appreciate your comments Don, cuz I know that you know the industry inside out. Thanks.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Dullea

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 3:11 PM 

As an encapping OP'er, I have 2 choices when I clean:
1. use my regular product with cotton pads, and remove
the soil in real-time; or
2. use Releasit, but with non-absorbent (nylon)
scrubbing pads, or FibrePlus pads, so as NOT to
remove the detergent/soil mixture, allowing it to
remain, dry, & cure, for later removal via

The ideal would be to be able to explain to the customer that I/we are removing soil in real-time, and
that any residue left behind will dry to a fine powder
or crystal, and be easily vacuumed out.

Mark Dullea

Bo Newman

Re:Re:Re:2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 4:09 PM 

In regard to encap alone - are we talking about a spray to put on after encapping, or are we talking about a product that will provide more spill protection than regular Releasit?
Does "conjunction" mean at the same time, or two different steps.

This message has been edited by on Mar 9, 2004 4:15 PM


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 new Releasit

March 9 2004, 4:25 PM 

I don't think explaining the concept of encap products to the carpet owner is a great idea, I would encourage them to make sure that a good vacuuming program is in place as it is a vital step in the overall picture.


Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 4:45 PM 

Rick, I like plan (1)

This message has been edited by on Mar 9, 2004 4:51 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 9 2004, 5:38 PM 

i like the encap / rinse idea!

thanx --- Derek.

Tim Absher

My .02

March 9 2004, 5:43 PM 

Rick, I like the sounds of your plans! In my limited knowledge of carpet, which is growing daily, Releasit has worked wonders for me and to be able to use a product like releasit with my Steamon Demon would be just great.
I'm only familar with one other product that sounds like this that is used for encap or as prespray and its a long story but I know one carpet cleaner that buys it by the 55 gal drum(he gets free shipping).
Now I'm not saying that you need free shipping or anything.... but if you need someone to test out this new product.... well... I may be able to help you out of a few cases(hehe)! Cheers


Releasit Rinse; great idea

March 10 2004, 1:36 AM 


I have done some really 'trashed' commercial carpets with my RotoVac brushes and didn't really make a 'dent' in the traffic lanes, etc. compared to how dirty they were.. Then went back a couple of days later and extracted them (watching the foam level) and had REALLY amazing results.

At least it seems that a rinse with the RotoVac would be incredible with a type of Releasit? Remember, however, you go through an awful lot of rinse with a Rotary extraction method.


Bob Wittkamp

Re: 2 NEW Releasit products could be on their way

March 11 2004, 10:34 AM 

I really get kinda excited thinking about an encap product to go with my hwe/hfe systems. If ya need a tester.. .

(Edited to include Bob Wittkamp's name; he had posted as anonymous and later asked me to add his name to this post - Rick)

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 12, 2004 1:19 PM

Gary Roland

HWE Encap.

March 10 2004, 8:18 AM 

Scot also makes one. Has anyone tryed it & what are their opinions. Not so sure if its just a rinse though!
Gary Roland

Chris Muetterties

Scot Chems

March 10 2004, 10:16 AM 

I have used it and loved it. They make an Emulsifier and a TLC but no acid rinse.


Rick Gelinas


March 10 2004, 2:42 PM 


I'm wondering if you've had the opportunity to do a dish drying test with the Scot products? I'm only asking because I haven't seen that their product forms a crystal when it dries.

The petri dish that was being passed around at Winterfest of their Shampoo and their HWE product did not show a crystal formation. In fact the HWE product was like sticky goo. I was surprised that they were showing it.

What's the big deal about the crystal?...

Rick Gelinas

Gary Roland


March 11 2004, 7:54 AM 

I've got some of their product. Havan't done much with it yet. Seems kind of expensive at 5.00/5 gal. mixing jug to be metered thru machine. I will also test for crystal.And I would think shipping would be on top of this.


Current Topic - My "Dream Chemical" Wish!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS